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I thought I'd explain the diseases that I mentioned, most of you know what cancer is so that's ok. More specifically bone cancer, so of the marrow or the blood. You know since blood is created in the marrow. Anyways so that's the type of cancer I might have.

Lupus affects not only your joints but hair-loss and your joints apparently. Lupus is that disease that Selena Gomez has where it attacks your kidneys if the medicine doesn't work. One of the girls in my class has this but the medicine works but she has to go to the doctor constantly.

Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome (hEDS) has 14 or so types. I can't believe it either. Some of them are related to the heart and one of them is classic. The thing about research and symptoms is it's not always accurate and you don't have to have all the symptoms for it to be right. The reason why I'm confident it's this is because it's the only syndrome that mentioned premature osteoarthritis. I was a little shocked myself. It then mentioned muscle and joint pain, loose joints (hypermobile joints). Everything matches in that one but I have to get myself checked according to the criteria not the symptoms and it's hard to get a diagnosis for a disorder that's rare.

The doctor I went to never said what it is exactly only that it's related to Hypermobility. I hate that I never asked what the actual diagnosis is but to be fair I don't think he knows himself. It's surprising isn't it that doctors don't know half the things they should and I'm not trying to be rude. I can figure out half the things they miss sometimes not all the time. OST of the time I get it right and I actually care. Obviously it'd be better if I were a doctor but I'm not so no one listens to me and no one believes little old me.

So this is how I live right now, I live with aches and pains everyday and clicking that no doctor can answer except in their own stupid ways, lack of exercise doesn't cause pain in all your damn joints. It's not logical, I can't understand things and when I don't and you don't have an explanation, I question it until I have answers. I'd prefer for it to be simple but you just can't let it be. So hEDS is my best guess really.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is common in children but idiopathic means there's no reason behind it while I have a reason, Hypermobility. I am very hypermobile as I've said before I've got a beighton score of 8 out of 9 so that I'm sure of. I didn't self-diagnose this at all.

Anyways there are six types of JIA, I'm not sure which type I might have cause I haven't really done a lot of research with this. If I have any except the systematic type then I have another autoimmune disease which means your body is fighting itself. I also mentioned I have vitiligo which is an autoimmune disease but it attacks the skin or pigmentation. It's genetic though and I've had a DNA test that rules out all genetic disorders, I think. Well current research shows that people have a predisposition genetically for it but also a virus can trigger it starting in children with a genetic tendency.

I honestly only found this out now. Who knows anyways what I've got but I can't do tests on my own?

Fibromyalgia gives you widespread pain in the muscles and skeleton (bones), causes fatigue, memory, sleep and mood issues. No trigger is needed for this to start but there can be a physical trauma, surgery, infection or psychological stress that causes this. Women are more prone to this so yay! Many who have this disorder also have tension headaches (I have), problems with joints that connect the neck to the skull, irritable bowel syndrome (constant need to go to the toilet when they eat something hot or with spices), anxiety and depression.

So it's caused by genetics, infections that trigger it, physical or emotional trauma. So it fluctuates when it comes to pain, up and down. The thing is you have to use the elimination method to conclude that you have fibromyalgia cause there are many disorders that contain similar symptoms such as lupus and cancer. So your gender and family history are important but also if you have osteoarthritis, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. It makes you prone to fibromyalgia. It's strange isn't it. We overlook the simple things we can do in life until we can't do them anymore. It's lifelong. All the stuff I've told you cannot be cured and it's lifelong. Cancer even is treatable but still a threat and it's not fully always curable.

I used to ride my horse but I don't think I can even get on a horse but I want to try. When I go to South Africa in August I'm going to go to the doctor and I'm going to try to ride. Hopefully my neck pain from this accident will be better but I'm sure it will be.

For now I'm going to be telling stories about me because I don't have a diagnosis or anything, until then I can't really give you a definite answer.

Thanks for reading guys. We're no. 1 in joints. I've never been happier!!

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