[33] Brother Dearest - Damon Salvatore

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Imagine : Enzo and Damon have been missing all summer after opening the vault from the armoury. You and Stefan have been searching for them, and once you'd finally found a lead, Damon breaks hearts and necks.

"this has to be the place" I said to Stefan as we pulled up in the car. "just...don't get your hopes up" he said, smiling at me softly. "why are you so eager to give up on him, he's our big brother!" i said, undoing my seatbelt and getting out the car. "i'm not giving up on him, i just don't know what to expect" Stefan said. "neither do i! i've dealt with you during your ripper phase, i can handle it!" i said angrily. "you're still my little sister, forgive me for wanting to protect you" he said and i rolled my eyes, walking towards the slaughter house. "i'm not 12 anymore Stefan, i can handle myself" i said, opening the door and entering the dark and dingy building. Once Stefan has joined me, my phone began to ring. It was my boyfriend Ethan calling me. "hey, is everything ok?" i asked. "well hello little sis" i heard Damon's voice come through the phone. "Damon?" i asked. I wasn't sure whether i should be relived or worried. "this is the last time i'm going to say it, give up on me" he said. I shook my head. "what kind of sister would i he if i did that?" i asked him. "if you walk through those double doors at the end, you can kiss your happiness away" he said and i shook my head. "damon, we can talk about thi-" i began and he hung up. "i think ethan's in danger" i turned to stefan, worry filling my face. "i'll go through those doors, you go through the side ones" he said and i nodded before hurrying away. I watched from the side as i saw Stefan approach my brother. "leave us alone, we're lost causes" Damon said relaxed. He was acting like he turned his humanity off, but there was something different. "we can't Damon, you never gave up on us so we won't give up on you" Stefan tried reasoning with you. "you know what, you both had your chances" Damon said. "Bring him in Enzo" He called. Enzo walked into the room, holding Ethan by his throat. Suddenly i sped out of the shadows. "let him go!" i shouted at him. "hello gorgeous, nice to see you too" Enzo said as i glared at him. "you see, i knew that you'd come here together, and if i hurt our darling little sister, i know it'll hurt you too Stefan. Everybody knows you'd die for our little sister Stefan, you two have always been inseparable" Damon said and i shook my head. "damon think about what you're doing" Stefan said cautiously, already seeing how distressed i was. "i swear to god Damon if you hurt him i will never forgive you" i said, tears welling in my eyes. "it's going to be okay y/n" Ethan said to me, tears welling in his eyes. I shook my head and let out a cry. "damon please" I pleaded. He looked at me and i could've sworn i saw a flash of emotion in his eyes, but as soon as it came, it was buried below. "can we just get this over with?" Enzo asked boredly. "Damon" Stefan warned, taking a step towards them. "you're right, let's wrap this up" he said and suddenly sped up to Ethan and snapped his neck. "NO!" i screamed, rushing over to his body which had fallen to the floor. I looked up at Damon who's expression was unreadable. "you monster!" i shouted at him. I sped towards him, landing a few punches here and there before he grabbed my arms and threw me backwards. I stood up, brushed myself off and ran at him once more before Stefan grabbed me. "let me go!" i demanded as i thrashed around in his arms. "i'm going to KILL HIM!" i said, anger causing through my veins and red clouding my eyes. "shhh it's okay" Stefan said, trying to comfort me. "it's not okay Stefan! none of this is okay!" i said, my voice cracking as i began to cry again. "can you two go away now, we have things to be getting on with" Damon remarked as he picked up a broom. "you're a dick!" i said and he looked at me and smirked. "this was the end goal, of everybody hates me then they give up looking. I am gone and i'm never coming back" he said and i shook my head. "the Damon i used to know is dead? i don't ever want to see you again, stay gone" i said before storming out. As i left the building, wiping tears from my cheeks, i heard Stefan punch Damon. "how could you hurt her like that? she's your little sister" Stefan said angrily. "no, she's your little sister, I'm dead to her, and i should be dead to you too" Damon said to Stefan. I slammed the car door and burst out sobbing. My chest hurt with the thought of never seeing Ethan again. He was my best friend and boyfriend in one person. I'd known him for the past 5 years and we'd connected from day one. Stefan soon sat back in the car and started the engine. Stefan hadn't said anything, but i knew he'd put Ethan's body on the backseat, covering it with a blanket. He soon pulled away from the dark, derelict building where two strangers took residence. Damon Salvatore was no longer her brother. He didn't deserve the title. As far as you were concerned, you didn't care if you never saw him again. "y/n" stefan started and i shook my head. "i'm so sorry" he said as he smiled softly at me and i just nodded my head, tears trying to formulate but i bit my tongue and held them back.

The hour drive home wasn't exactly cheerful. Barely any words had been passed between yourself and Stefan. He knew you needed space to process and grieve so he gave it to you. He carried Ethan's body and laid it gently down on the sofa. I watched with glazed over eyes as i saw his lifeless face once more. "what happened?" Bonnie asked, she had to stay behind and do something with Caroline. "did you find them?!" she asked hopefully. She took in our expressions and looked confused. "y/n?" she asked as she then noticed Ethan's body on the sofa. "i'm...i'm so sorry y/n" she said and walked over to me, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back numbly. This all felt like a terrible dream. "Damon's gone for good" Stefan said. Bonnie looked sadly at the pair of us "and Enzo?" she asked "he didn't seem as bad as Damon, he was more reserved, as if he was trying to hide the fact he still cared" Stefan said as i sat on the sofa opposite Ethan. "well...at least they're alive" Bonnie said. "Damon isn't" i said and she looked at me. "Damon Salvatore died as soon as he stepped into the vault. Stefan is the only brother i have left. Damon means nothing to me anymore" i said emotionless. They both look at each other worried when suddenly Ethan sat up from the sofa, gasping for breath. We all turned to him shocked. "what happened?" he asked. I gasped sharply, practically throwing myself at him as i hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. "what's happening to me?" he asked and i met his eyes. "i think..they gave you vampire blood" i said hesitantly. I knew how much he hated the idea of living off blood and the inevitability first hurting someone one day. Ethan was too good and couldn't stand the thought of killing someone. "but that means..." he started. "you're in transition" Stefan finished.
We all looked at each other, another problem to tackle.

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