[4] Not just the Sire Bond - Klaus Mikealson

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Imagine: Being sired to Klaus just like Tyler was, but you start to develop feelings for him instead of just doing what he says like Tyler did.

"well well well, look who decides to rock up to our annual meeting, late" Damon said as he was sat on the sofa with a glass of bourbon. I rolled my eyes and shut the front door behind me, walking down the steps and into their lounge where everybody was scattered about. "where were you?" Caroline asked "sorry, i was with Rebekah" i said and everybody went quite. "why? she's like blondie barbie bitch" Elena asked, acting all offended. "well elena, she's actually not that bad once you get to know her, so step down from your high ass pedestal for a second" i said out loud and then covered my mouth instantly. "oh my god, Elena i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that!" i said, shocked i had said that out loud. I was a fairly new hybrid but so far i was definitely enjoying it. "it's okay, all of your emotions are heightened" Stefan said and laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder to which i nodded, thanking him. I received a glare from Elena. "well it obviously wasn't that important so i guess i'll go" i said "no Y/N! you must stay!" Caroline said and everyone agreed, apart from Elena, we'd never exactly seen eye to eye, but we tolerated each other for the sake of our friends. Sometimes we had good days where we were best friends, other days i really wanted her dead. Everybody started talking about recent events and Klaus and Elijah and Rebekah, caroline complaining about her taking over the cheerleading team and Elena talking about some dinner with elijah. "looks like we're out of blood" Damon said holding up the empty flask. "i'll re fill it" i said and took it "i'll come with you" Stefan said and i nodded, we headed down to the cellar. "you've fallen off the wagon" i said and he looked at me confused. "i can smell it on your breath" i said and he looked down shamefully. "listen, it's nothing to be afraid off, you shouldn't deny yourself the thing you're created to feed of, but you just need to learnt control, i can help you" i said and he nodded. I hugged him and he hugged me back, we've always been very close. Suddenly my phone rung. I answered it "hello?" i said "hello love, i'm going to need you to come round to mine straight away" he said and i nodded. "okay, any reason?" i asked "you'll see when you get here" he said and i chuckled. "okay, see you in a bit" i said and hung up. "you know if they find out you're talking to the baddie, they're going to go mental" Stefan said. "well, as far as Klaus knows everybody is mourning elena so...." i said and he chuckled. I refilled the jug and i could sense stefan feeling uncomfortable. "go upstairs, i'll finish this" i said and he nodded, leaving.

*Klaus' house*

"what was so urgent?" i asked walking through the front doors, only to see the construction work was practically done. "well you see love, i surprisingly have a lack of women in my life" he said and i chuckled "why is that surprising?" i said sarcastically and crossed my arms, smiling. He just shook his head and chuckled. "anyway, i need some advice on decorating and aesthetics" he said and i chuckled. "well, i'm sure Elijah has good taste" i said and he chuckled. "trust me when i day he doesn't" Klaus said and i chuckled, looking around. "well...i guess i could stay and help" i said and he smiled. "brilliant" he said and i followed him towards his office/study room where he had each room and many different test colours laid out. I soon got to work organising everything because secretly i loved this kind of stuff.

"Y/N, how surprising to see you here" Elijah said as he walked into the room. "is it tho Lijah?" i asked, using the nick name i'd already given him, he smiled. "well you see normally people can't tolerate my brother for this long without being compelled" he said and i chuckled. "i have very high tolerance trust me, i'm friends with Elena for gods sake" i said and Elijah couldn't help but chuckle at my joke. "Why are you here?" Elijah asked, sitting down on the arm chair opposite me. "klaus wanted my help with room colours and decor" i said and Elijah nodded. "and you didn't have anything better to do today?" he asked "not really? i mean i have some school work and my friends called some sort of meeting and we were meant to go to the grill for dinner but i cancelled, come to think of it, it's the first time i've ever cancelled plans with them" i said and Elijah looked at me skeptically, so i looked up and met his eye. "what?" i asked and he shook his head. "nothing" he said and left the room. weird

*3rd person POV*

"i think she's sired Nik" Rebekah said to her brother in the Kitchen. "yesterday you said to make me feel special and spend the day shopping and hanging out for as long as i wanted, and she literally did everything i told her, or suggested that i wanted. It was weird, not the Y/N i knew before you turned her" Rebekah said "vampirism changes people Rebekah" klaus said pouring two glasses of blood. "i agree with our sister" Elijah said and walked in. "she cancelled all of her plans with her best friends, people she's known since birth, just to help you with decor" He said, adjusting his suit. "you two are just being stupid" Klaus said slightly annoyed. "test it, tell her to do something that would make you very happy, if she does it, she's sired Nik" Rebekah said and he sighed. "and if she doesn't you two will regret accusing it!" Klaus said angrily and walked out and back up to the study.

a short while later, Klaus and Y/N were still matching curtain patters, rug patterns and all things to decorate the house with. "could you get me my drink?" Klaus said, he could have easily reached his drink on the table but decided to test it. "it's literally right there" Y/N said and chuckled, before leaning over and passing it to him. He smiled but in reality, she'd failed the first test and this wasn't looking good. "Y/N, it would make me so happy if you were able to retrieve another blood bag" Nik said and Y/N rolled her eyes before zooming out the room and zooming back. "merry christmas" she said sarcastically and threw it on his lap. "thanks" Klaus said. He let a few minuets pass before he moved to sit next to Y/N. "i think those are better than those" He said pointing at the catalogue. "i thought the other one was better but now you mention it...." Y/N said. "Y/N" Klaus said and she looked up. "call Stefan Salvatore" he said and she sighed. "why?" she asked while getting her phone out to call him. "Listen, i think you might have been-" Klaus was cut off mid sentence as they were very close, and Y/N had lent in and kissed him, gently and softly. Klaus was slightly taken back but soon relaxed into it, escalating until they were interrupted by Elijah calling klaus's name. "i'll deal with my brother but you should get back to your friends" Klaus said and Y/N nodded happily, grabbing her phone and leaving. Smiling the whole way home while feeling butterflies in her stomach where as Klaus confronted Elijah and Rebekah. "you were right, she's sired" he said, sighing.

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