[3] Partner in Crime - Damon and Stefan Salvatore

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Imagine : Damon and Elena trying to get you and Stefan to turn your humanity back on after Klaus made you turn it off, but failing and loosing his temper about yours and Stefan's newly found 'friendship'

I poured myself another glass of the remains alcohol as Stefan, Klaus and I were sat in a shop watching Rebekah get a new wardrobe, bering her constantly complaining about something or other was doing my head in. "if i'm going to have to sit here, i'm going to get something stronger" i said as i downed the last drops in the glass. "no you're not, stefan go with her, and make sure she comes back" he compelled Stefan and he nodded. I rolled my eyes as i strutted out the door. No humanity me has no patience, is rude, says what they think and loves alcohol, and doesn't care how many people she kills as long as she enjoys herself. I've been compared to Katherine.

"Y/N" Stefan called and i ignored him, walking towards the nearest shop. He speeds in front of me, he hasn't yet turned his humanity off completely "come on, i know this isn't the real you" he said and i shoved past him. "you're such a buzzkill, you're worse than Elena" i said snidely and he sighed. He didn't say anything else as we walked into the shops. I walked round, picking up a large bottle of vodka and some cocktail mix drink. I put them on the till and the man sighed "ID please" he said and i compelled him "you don't need to see my ID, i look old enough" i said and he nodded in a trance before smiling and handing me back my bottles. "and that's on the house" i said and he nodded before i walked out, past Stefan and back towards the shop.

"Y/N, what would your parents think if they could see you right now?" Stefan asked "not much, considering they're dead" i said smiling to myself, taking in the surroundings of the city we were in. "can you just listen for a god damn second!" he snapped finally losing his temper with me, he stopped me walking and grabbed onto my arm, harshly. I rolled my eyes and looked at him, letting him say what he wanted to say. "Listen to me Y/N, this isn't you, you don't slaughter tens of people in one night, you don't get drunk for the sake of getting drunk, you're not rude to people. You're a kind, loving, caring girl, who quite frankly can't cook to save her life and you mean so much to so many people, Elena, Jermery, Alaric, Caroline, Bonnie, Damon and....me" He said and when he mentioned Damon's name there was a small escape of sadness slip through, and Stefan saw that, so he kept pushing. "we all see how much of a tight relationship you two have, he loves you and you love him, sometimes i envy that love you two have" he said, he was talking as if he was annoyed about it which gave me an idea. "you're right Stefan, you're so right. I care about Damon, oh so deeply, but he got fed up of me and stole your girl instead, i can see the way he looks at her, and it hurts Stefan! it hurts!" i cried, Stefans face softened and he put his hand to my cheek. Of course i was acting, but he seemed to believe everything. "you know, even tho i've been a heartless bitch these past couple of weeks, i have loved having you here, with me. You haven't left me or let me fall down" i said, looking up at him, putting on some sad, puppy dog eyes. I could see something in his eyes, a glint of something. "and i want to thank you Stefan, without you, i couldn't have stayed so strong" i said. I looked up at him and ran my hand up his chest, softly. "Y/N" he said softly and i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, harshly. But he didn't stop me, or push me away, he acted like he wanted this. "oh Stefan Stefan Stefan" i chuckled as i stepped back. "it's a shame, if i cared, i'd feel bad, i mean just look at that face, and the body" i said suggestively and he looked so annoyed with me. "you were lying, the whole time" he said and i laughed and nodded "bingo" i said and just as he went to move, i snapped his neck, and vamp sped back to the shop, dragging him behind me. "Force him to turn his humanity off Nik, he's a buzzkill and quite frankly if he carry's on i'll be forced to rip out his heart" i said as i threw him down on the floor of the shop and slouched down onto the sofa, opening that bottle of vodka and chugging a bit of it while Nik laughed and Rebekah chuckled "i think i'm going to like you" she said and i ignored the comment.

*later that evening*

"one humanity-less Stefan" Klaus said as him and Stefan approached me and Rebekah who had been drinking at the bar, the music was blaring and everybody was intoxicated. "thank god for that" i said, hopping off the stall and wiping away some left over blood from round my mouth. "i'm going to get a snack, care to join Stefan?" i asked smirking "i'd love too" he said and i smiled and we made our way to the mosh pit. I compelled this lady to not scream or move, and that she wanted us to feed from her. I tilted her head to the neck to the side and bit into it, while Stefan drank from her wrist. It was intoxicating and pleasurable. I drew back as i heard her heartbeat fading, so did Stefan. "see, you've got control" i said and he chuckled as he wiped the blood from his lips with his thumb, then placing his thumb on my mouth, and doing the same. "why didn't i turn my humanity off earlier?" he asked "i don't know, but i'm glad you have now" i said before letting the woman go. "what to do now?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "find someone to kill this time" i said and he nodded. We left the club round the back where we found someone outside, pretty drunk. Stefan compelled them not to move or speak and we struck, me with the wrist and Stefan had his neck. I heard his heartbeat slowing down but i didn't stop and neither did Stefan, eventually he was dead but that didn't stop me, i kept drinking until Stefan ripped me off him "don't play with the dead, it's better to do it with the living" he said and i nodded, wiping my chin. Stefan leant down and kissed me harshly and out of the blue, i was shocked and he vamp sped and pushed me against the wall. Another human came outside and we both attacked her without warning, just as he body dropped to the ground, I heard someone say my name. "Y/N" I turned around to see Damon standing there, with Elena stood by his side. "well well well! look who's joined the party! told you he'd steal your girl as soon as we left, because that's the kind of person he is!" i said, slurring slightly while Stefan chuckled from beside me. "you know the funniest thing is that...we don't care" he said and i nodded. "they're both drunk and high in blood" Damon said to Elena and he rolled his eyes. "come on Y/N, you know you're not like this" he pleaded with me. "Damon Damon Damon, as much as i would have ran into your arms about a month ago, i'm afraid i don't want too anymore, i'm sorry Damon but i just don't love you like i used to. But then again, you never loved me because you've had your eyes in Elena before we even started dating" i said and Elena looked slightly shocked at my sudden personality clash. "is it just me or is the idea of ripping out someone's throat sounding good" Stefan said and i nodded. "it does Stefan" i said and smiled. "so what, you two are blood buddies now?" Damon said, he was angry now, maybe he was hurt after all. "and what do you care, Brother! you're screwing my not so girlfriend so why don't you two just get lost" Stefan said harshly and Elena looked like she was going to cry. "Stefan, you're scaring Elena!" I said disapprovingly "oh no, we can't have that now can we?" he said and i shook my head "because everything is about poor Elena, boohoo, my life is so tough, i want this i want that, i expect everybody around me to die for me, to risk their lives, boo hoo. Why don't you take you're new play thing, who is still my boyfriend by the way and go spend your time with somebody who wants your company, which isn't really a very long list considering most of them are dead" i said and all of a sudden Damon's hand was wrapped around my neck. "shut up Y/N!" he shouted at me, his face was full of rage but also sadness. "i am still your boyfriend yes! but don't you dare say that about Elena!" he said "and here it begins, you're defending her!" i said "yes because i know when you flip the switch, you're going to regret all of this" he said "am i damon? because all i'm going to feel is the pain, of loving someone, who doesn't love me back, someone who loves my best friend instead. so go ahead Damon, try to get it back, but you're not nearly important enough to me anymore to get my humanity back" i said, not even caring that his hand was wrapped around my throat. "i love you Y/N" Damon said, caressing my cheek. "Damon, i love you too" i said, faking again and his face filled with relief that i was back, but i wasn't. "is what i would have said two months ago" i said and chuckled as his face sunk and changed to hurt and anger. we held eye contact for a while before he let me go. "let's go" he said and Elena gasped "no! we can't leave them Damon" she protested. "waddle along Elena" i said and waved my hand. "you don't know what you're missing out on Damon, swapping Y/N for Elena, if i'm being honest, you're sacrificing your pleasure and needs, take the advice from a man who's had both" Stefan said and Elena looked like she was going to cry where as Damon turned back around fuming, he vamp sped over to Stefan and started punching him until Stefan's face was bloody and damaged. He got up and stormed off, kicking a bin over on the way. And they were gone. "why did you say?" i asked. Damon just showed that he still cared for me, and that is what gave my switch a little flicker. "because it would wind him up, and because, neither of us care right?" he asked and i had a small external battle before the switch was back off. "right" i said and we walked back into the bar, killing people and having a great night.

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