[14] Stay - Alaric Saltzman

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Imagine : you're Elena and Jeremy's sister, the middle child. Alaric had been looking after you three since your Aunt Jenna was sacrificed by Niklaus. You attended the decade dance after much nagging from your sister and friends. Except that's the night Alaric is killed by Esther.

A/N this is a big old boy chapter, as in whole episode chapter, if you prefer this then please let me know :)

"where do you want me to hang this thing?" i asked picking up a chandelier off the table. Elena and Caroline had dragged me out of bed earlier than usual to help set up. Apparently it was my duty as a best friend.  Caroline sighed "you know what, if rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity then she should have shown up to do it herself" Caroline said waving it in the air. I couldn't help but smile at my blonde best friend. She soon turned her attention to Matt and my younger brother who were hanging starts from the ceiling. "what are you doing?! you can't just hang them, they're supposed trickle" she said and me and Elena smiled as we exchanged looks. "look at them all bromacey" Caroline said "yeah i asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust" Elena said and my phone went off, distracting me from the conversation in hand. It was my old school friend, Dan asking if i had a date to the dance. "are you sure it had nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?" Caroline said "hello! sister ears are still here" i said putting my phone in my back pocket. They chuckled "i didn't tell you that so you could torture me with it" Elena said "hey, what are friends for?" Caroline said and we all chuckled. "so, who are you bring to the dance?" Caroline asked "what do you mean? i thought the four of us were going as girl dates?" Elena asked wrapped a feather bowah round our necks and we all chuckled. "bonnie has a date" Me and Caroline said "jamie called and wanted to see her so she asked him" Caroline said and Elena hmm'd. "so here's a thought, why don't you ask Stefan?" Caroline said and i stopped doing what i was doing. "i...i cant ask him on a date" Elena stuttered. "i just made out with his brother" and i smiled at Caroline "even more reason to ask Damon!" i said and Caroline glared at me and Elena had a small smile about me being supportive. "all the more reason! like you're supposed  to be figuring out what you want, that's what stefan wanted you to do right?" Caroline said "yeah but" Elena said "but nothing! I've watched the bachelor ,fair is fair, it's Stefan's turn!" Caroline said making her point. "yeah, and you're not biased or anything?" Elena said "i'm sorry but Stefan is your epic love" Caroline said and i scoffed. "and i'm not going down without a fight" she said and Elena looked up at her, sighing and blinking. "but what about the time when Y/N and Stefan kissed? maybe it's time for them?" Elena said and i was shocked she even brought it up. "Stefan was hurt about you and Damon, he still loves you" Caroline said as if i wasn't even there. "Jeez thanks Caroline" i said "no i didn't mean that..." she said and i shook my head. "don't worry, i'm used to it, nobody can meet the standards of my dear sister" i said, hurt. I threw down the napkins i was folding on the table and walked away. "well done Care" Elena said and Caroline sighed.


Stefan was going with Elena. I could tell she felt bad about it due to her avoiding me all evening. Instead my other friends came round and we all got changed together and went as girl dates, despite both of them having boyfriends, but we went together so it was nice. My friends rushed me out the house before Stefan came to pick Elena up so they didn't get to see me get crushed before the night even started. Before i knew it, us three were dancing and laughing and messing around, having a good time. My eyes panned over to Caroline and Tyler and i smiled at my happy best friend. "thought he was meant to be avoiding Klaus?" Mia asked "so did i" i said and we went back to dancing. My friend span me around as a joke and as we were all laughing until our stomachs hurt until i laid eyes on my sister and Stefan walking through the door. "come on, let's go get some drinks" My other friend said and i smiled briefly at Elena who tried to approach me but i was dragged away.

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