[9] Old Friends - Damon Salvatore

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Imagine : Being an old friend of Damon and Stefans, everyone in the friendship group happily received you, Especially Damon. Although you and Elena never see eye to eye and nobody understands why.

Warning: lil saucy

"So basically I decided to come back to Mystic Falls to get away from Klaus, If I'm being honest" I said sitting down with Stefan on the sofa. "Obviously I wanted to see you and your brother!" I said putting a hand on his arm and he smiled up at me. "I understand, don't worry" he said chuckling. "I hear he's on the look out for a doppelganger" I said and Stefans face dropped. "What?" I asked concerend. "Elena's a doppelganger" He said and I looked at him worried. "Of course! I knew I'd seen her somewhere before! Petrova right?" I asked and he nodded, standing up off the sofa, putting his glass of bourbon down and rushing out the door. I sighed and sat back down, I could see how much he cared about her and it was sweet, but I can't see it lasting honestly. I necked the rest that was in my glass before putting it down and grabbing a blood bad instead. "You've been abandoned by my baby brother for Elena then? You'll have to get used to that" Damon said from behind me. "I gathered, I don't want to say anything but I'm not overly keen on her" I said turning around and Damon smirked. "Its obvious neither of you like eachother" Damon said and I chuckled. "She's just to, ugh everything is about me" I said and chuckled as Damon sat down on the sofa, I followed. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while before it grew uncomfortable. "I was thinking of compelling myself a girlfriend, that's how annoying Stefan and Elena are" Damon said and I laughed. "I doubt you need to be compelling anyone, most girls will happily jump into your bed" I said chuckling and Damon looked at me raising an eyebrow. "Does that include you?" He asked, moving closer to me. I looked into his icy blue eyes and smirked ever so slightly. This is where me and Damon have always seen eye to eye in being the more reckless sibling. My sister, Mia, was currently residing in Elijah's household, trying to settle down and then there's me, the reckless, alcoholic, people killing, stud as she so lovingly likes to put it. "Maybe" I said quietly and he connected our lips in an instant. I quickly moved so I was on his lap, kissing him harshly. This was inevitable whenever me and Damon spent time together. Over the past 20 years of knowing eachother, we flirt endlessly but It would never come to anything, until now that is. He used his vampire speed and strength to pick me up and speed upstairs, every now and then, I'd take control and push him against the wall, we eventually we made it to his bedroom.

*an hour later*

I walked downstairs in my shorts and loose jumper, I was going to grab and blood bag and had every intention of going back to bed and watching TV but as soon as I walked into the lounge to grab my glass, Stefan, Elena and practically the whole group was sitting in the lounge. "Oh hello, didn't realise we had a buffy squad meeting?" I said casually and pulled my sleaves down as I grabbed my glass. I looked towards Caroline and when she couldn't look at me in the eye without laughing, I knew they knew. I turned around and I could feel Elenas glares on my back. "I'm just going to go get changed into some jeans" I said and walked up the small stairs between the lounge and hallway when I ran into a shirtless Damon who smirked down at me. "You knew they were here!" I whispered annoyed but also half smiling. He then winked down at me. "What's the meeting about?" He asked and turned me around, wrapping his arms around me and leaning his head on my shoulders. "Klaus mainly, but we can wait for you to put some clothes on" Caroline said to Damon which made me chuckled slightly. "Shut up blondie" Damon said to Caroline and I elbowed Damon and Caroline smiled at Damon and mentally thanked me for sticking up for her. "Anyway" she said and carried on talking. I tried to concentrate on what she said but I couldn't due to Damon getting a hard on behind me. He kept nussling his head into the crook of my neck. I could see Stefan getting increasingly more uncomfortable and so was Elena for some odd reason. I just put it down to jealousy that her and Stefan probably weren't as open as us. "Okay I think we should regroup later at the grill to talk strategies" Caroline said happily and we all agreed. Everyone began to pile out of the lounge, Damon still didn't move from behind me. Once everyone was gone, Damon just didnt move, leaving him, myself, Stefan and Elena awkwardly standing in the lounge. Stefan and myself had a few one night flings, and I was with his brother so I could see why he was uncomfortable. "Come on Damon" I said and went to push him back but he didn't move. "Can I not be in my own lounge now?" He asked and I shook my head. "Not in this state, think of the children" I said and he chuckled, spinning me around and kissing me on the lips. I chuckled and grabbed his hands before dragging him away, Damon did however wink at Elena before leaving the room. "I detect some strange tension between you and Elena" I said I laid back on his bed. "I detect some uncomfortableness between yourself and Stefan" he said and I chuckled. "15 years ago maybe" I said and Damon looked at me shocked. "I never knew" he said and I chuckled. He crawled up my body and was hovering over me. "So...shall we sort out my state?" He asked licking his lips and I chuckled. "I don't know Damon, shall we?" I said, lustily. I traced my hands up the back of his bare back before he crashed his lips down into mine, things taking their own course.

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