[16] Difficult Decisions - Damon Salvatore

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*this was a really unplanned chapter and kinda rushed and not as thought through as i would have hoped*

imagine: coming back from a short visit from Klaus and Hayley for the birth of Hope, as Hopes Godmother and an offer to move in with them. But your town had been over run by heretics and you're friends have held some information from you.

i had only just finished unpacking my suitcase when i got a phone call from Caroline. She demanded i came down from Whitmore to Mystic falls, my parents had moved out of Mystic Falls when the grill exploded from a 'gas leak' which meant i was always kinda out of the loop, unless Caroline was at Whitmore college. I had hopped into my car ready to jump straight back into action but what greeted me when i drove in mystic falls shocked me. I pulled up at Tyler's old house and walked through the door. "what the hell happened while i was away?!" i asked closing the door behind me. "Y/N's back!" Stefan said and i couldn't help but smile as i walked round the corner. "ahw, my favourite Salvatore" i said and hugged him, he smiled. I greeted Caroline, Bonnie and Matt who was there. "how's police training going?" i asked and everyone went quite. "oh dear, what have i missed?" i asked "well when i texted you to say everything was fine, what i really meant was-" caroline was saying until Damon sauntered into the room. "you're not going to like the truth" he said and i turned around and held eye contact with him, he smiled at me softly before going over to the bourbon stand. "take a seat" Stefan said and i sat down cautiously.

in the next minutes i learnt about Jo and Alaric's tragedy of a wedding, how Elena was in some sort of sleeping spell and how Damon and Stefan's Mum was alive and had a creepy family of witch-vampires, and that they killed all of Matt's police training class. I sat there, trying to absorb everything. "you never got to say goodbye to Elena" Bonnie said which suddenly dawned on me. "how long...?" i asked. "until...i die" bonnie said and i shock my head. "she can't..." i mumbled and Caroline sat down next to me. "Alaric, i need to go and see alaric" i said and went to stand up. "he knows you're back, he said he would talk to you real soon" Caroline said and i nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" i asked and they all looked down shamefully. "because we didn't want to ruin your happy week away" Damon said while glugging a bourbon down, telling me there was something else. "that's not it" i said and looked at Caroline. As a vampire, i had this ability to see what people were really thinking, i could search for answers in their brains, it stared off very small as a human but was magnified. "no, Y/N..." bonnie said knowing what i was doing. "you were worried that i wasn't going to come back, and bay i had joined their side? what are we 12? that's my best friend! you didn't even think to tell me!" i said getting annoyed. I was upset, annoyed, hurt, grieving. "Y/N..." Caroline said and i shook my head. "you really thought that i'd chose them over you?" i said, hurt. tears welling in my eyes. "of course not" Stefan said and looked at me sadly. "well you do speak like them" damon said and i rolled my eyes. Day drunk damon, got to love it. "fine, i see how it is" i said and went to walk our. "shall i book you tickets back to New Orleans?" Damon said after me which made me lose my shit. I grabbed the glass that was water in my hand and threw it at Damon. Everyone was in shock, i had never acted this way before. "calm down!" Caroline said. I started at Damon with anger rushing through my veins. He looked genuinely shocked and scared. The room was silent and i walked out, slamming the front door after me. I walked along the sidewalk next to the Mystic Grill, i walked in, surprised it was open. I took a seat in the stool and grabbed a bottle. My best friend was gone for 70+ years, Jo was dead, along with Liv and the rest of the Gemini coven. Damon was a dick and my town was destroyed. "well well well, what do we have here?" I heard a female voice from behind me. I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. "i think that's our lunch Nora" the other female said. "sorry to disappoint, but i'm not a human" i said and spun around on my stool. There was two rather pretty looking females, One blond and one brunette. "shame" Nora said and they stood in silence for a while, as if they were observing me. "who are you?" The blonde one asked. "My name is Y/N, friends with the Salvatore's" i said and they both laughed. "The famous Y/N? we've heard so much about you?" Nora the brunette said. "really?" i asked. "apparently you're one of us" The blonde one said. "who are you guys?" i asked. "i'm Mary Lou and this is Nora, we're heretics" they said and i nodded. "sorry what?" i asked and they chuckled. "Vampire and witch" Mary Lou said and i widened my eyes. "no way..." i said and Nora smile at me softly. "but...i'm the only one..." i said out of disbelief. "i think that's enough witchy bonding" Damon said from the side of me and i rolled my eyes. "They're my mums pets" he said and i looked at him. "your mum? she died of consumption?" i asked "yeah, but then became a vampire" he said and i just looked confused. "well leave you two to it, i can sense the tension, but Y/N, feel free to drop by anytime when you want someone a bit more on your level" Nora said and i nodded. "She seemed nice" i said to Damon who laughed, "they're the worst" he said and i nodded. "you didn't text me" i said and he raised an eyebrow. "not even once while i was away" i said and he sighed. "i tried, i didn't know what to say. I shouldn't have kissed you again, i'm trying my damn hardest to move on, but you. Why can't i get over you?" Damon said and i shrugged. "maybe it's because you aren't used to people dumping you?" i asked and he was quiet for once. "what?" i asked "you know, i tried to move on with Elena, and now she's in a sleeping spell for decades" Damon said. "i don't know if i'm even going to see her again" i said and Damon looked at me intrigued. "Klaus and Hayley asked me to move in with them in New Orleans. I'm going to be Hopes god mother and they want me to be there for her and help them. I said no because this is my home but...now i'm having second thoughts after you guys treated me earlier. It was like i was 12" i said and Damon sighed. "i wanted to tell you, but Caroline said if we told you over the phone, you might never come back" Damon said and i nodded slowly. "i think i'm going to go for a while" i said and Damon nodded. "well then i can do this" he said and kissed me, harshly. His moves all the glasses and bottle off the bar causing a smash before lifting me up onto the bar, becoming more aggressive and lustful in the kiss. "i can't Damon" i said as i tried to pull away from him. "you're leaving right?" he said and i nodded. "well then this will be the last time, don't take that away from us" he said looking up at me with those eyes. Those damn blue eyes. I nodded, feeling defeated and we continued.

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