Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"It's been two days! Come on!" Dean fumed, slamming his gun down on the bed.

"Dean, she knows how to protect herself; she's fine."

"I told her two days." He picked the gun up and started to load it. "I'm going."

"Dean..." Sam sighed.

"She's your fricken daughter, Sam! Why aren't you banging the door down to get after her?"

He shrugged. "I guess I'm just not as possessive over family as you are."

Dean sighed. "Fine. Don't worry about her wellbeing while she's in the hands of someone who's tortured and killed special creatures before."

"I'm not saying I'm not worried. I'm just saying she can protect herself against Crowley better than we can."

Bobby walked in and looked between them. "What are you two flapjacks bickerin about now?"

"Nothing," dismissed Dean as he grabbed up a bag.

"Where are you even going to go?" Sam asked. "We don't know where he is."

"She turned her GPS on like you asked."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Dean."

"Nothing you say can stop me, Sam."

Bobby cut in, "Is this about Farrah?" Neither answered. "You're both idjits. She's a demon, she's gonna be fine with another demon."

"She's not a demon," said Dean defensively.

"And what's got you so worked up about this?" he asked.

Dean paused before shrugging and expressing a passive look. "Just don't want my niece caught up with demons."

Sam shook his head with a smile and looked down. "Dean."


Sam pointed behind him and he turned around. Farrah was standing there, alone, looking...different. Her hair, previously brown like Sam's, was black, with dark pink streaks in it. Instead of light curls, it was completely straight, with a side fringe. Her eyes were much more green looking with the black eyeshadow around them, and her clothes were much more dangerous, less innocent schoolgirl.

"Whoa. What happened to you?"

She smiled. "I don't know what you mean, Dean." Even her voice sounded different. Softer, but with an edge neither had heard before.

She skirted past him to get to the fridge and pulled out a soda.

"Your hair, makeup, clothes, all of it. What happened to you?"

With a little smirk, she lifted the can to her lips. "Hell."

Both of the boys' jaws dropped. "You went to hell?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." She walked over to the sink, took a paper towel, wet it down, and started to wipe the eyeliner off. "A few times."

Sam said, "Are you okay?"

"Just fine. I didn't see the same parts that you did; I saw the demon side."

"You realize those demons are trying to kill you." Dean walked toward her, gesturing as he spoke.

"Yep. They knew what I looked like, so I had to change it up some."

"So you went goth on us?" asked Sam.

"No. I embraced my inner demon." She smiled, turning her nose up in a playful sneer.

"Inner demon?" he echoed. He and Dean exchanged a look of disbelief, sending her into a fit of giggles.

"I'm totally kidding! Oh my gosh! You should've seen your faces!" She doubled over in laughter.

"What in going on?" Bobby asked.

"Crowley suggested a change in something when I almost got caught my first time down there. Honestly, I'd been wanting a bit of a change from the schoolgirl look; this is exactly what I needed."

"To look like a punk-" Dean cut off as Castiel flew in.

He frowned at Farrah and looked her up and down. "Was Crowley the cause of this?"

"A little. Oh," her eyes lit up, "you guys should see hell."

Dean nearly shuddered at how excited she sounded. "I have."

Her expression didn't dim at all. "No, not that side. The demon's side. It's actually not half bad." She smiled.

"So now you're buddy-buddy with demons?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Not really. Only met two other than Crowley that weren't actively looking to kill me. Decent folk."

"Decent?" Cas echoed in confusion.

"Yeah. Seemed like nice enough people. They said that when they make their deals, they stretch out the time limit to twenty or even fifty years depending on the age of the person."

Sam's eyebrows shot up. "Wow. That's...nice of them." Farrah watched everyone except Dean accept that she was part demon, and frowned at him. He just pursed his lips and looked away.

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