Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

They all slid into a booth, Thomas and Farrah across from each other. Cas sat by Farrah.

"I've heard some unusual names before," Thomas said with a smile, "but yours tops them all, Castiel."

"I am an angel," Cas said.

Thomas chuckled. "Hooked yourself a crazy one, Far."

"What?" Farrah sputtered. "Thomas, he's traveling with me and my dad and uncle."

"You're traveling with three guys that you barely know, just because two of them are related to you?"

"Pretty much."

Janice walked over and said with a sigh, "I'm Janice, I'll be your waitress today. What do you want?"

"Hi, Janice. Nice to see you actually working."

Janice looked up from her hands and her eyes widened. "Yeah? Maybe that's because someone quit and made me take over their shift!"

"You and I work the same shift, how could you cover mine?"

Her eyes narrowed. "I wasn't talking about you." Shooting an icy glare at Thomas, she strode off and shouted, "Charles, you're working table eleven!"

Farrah giggled and looked at Thomas. "You quit?"

"Yeah. I got the job over at the auto shop."

"You don't know a thing about mechanics!" she told him for the fourth time since he'd revealed he was after the job.

"That's why I'm at the desk."

"Mhm. Anyway, you know all that stuff my mom was always going on about?"

He chuckled. "Yeah. Angels and demons, ghosts and ghouls, and that your dad was one of the few who hunted them."

"Well, she was right."

"What, are you telling me he's really an actual angel?" Thomas looked over at Cas. "No offense, dude, but you don't really seem like the angelic type."

"This is a vessel. My true form is more similar to how you picture angels."

"Uh huh. Okay." He looked back at Farrah. "Why are you bringing this up?"

"Well..." Farrah went on to explain everything that the four of them had so far discovered and figured out about her. She took breaks now and again to sip her milkshake (which Thomas paid for), and to listen to his questions, which she answered to the best of her ability. If she didn't know the answer, Cas stepped in without even a prompting. But, given her gift of on-the-spot prophecy, that only happened twice.

"Wow." Thomas sat back with the onslaught of new information. "You guys have seriously complex lives."

Farrah smiled.

"But why are you telling me all this?"

Cas seemed to want to know the same thing.

"Because you're my best friend. You deserve to know what's going on in my life. That, and I need your help."

"With all that you can do, you still need my help?" he asked, not really believing her.

"Yeah." She grew nervous and said, "But not here. Come over to my house, I'll meet you there."

"Why?" he asked.

"Demon, two o'clock," she whispered harshly. Cas looked over obviously and the demon smiled.

"Something has happened," he stated, and left.

"Whoa," breathed Thomas. "You seriously weren't kidding about this."

"No." She looked over and took a breath. "Thomas, do you trust me?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Take my hand and close your eyes." She held her hand out to him. He slowly put his in hers, closing his eyes simultaneously.

Farrah pictured her house, inside it, her dinner table, and stretched out her wings in an instant. As the picture flashed in her mind, she flew, carrying Thomas with her.

Quickly she discovered that while Cas had not helped her, she had not carried him. "O-okay," she said, gasping. Thomas opened his eyes and jolted. They were sitting at Farrah's dinner table.

She sighed and rubbed her neck. Tears were building in her eyes. Startled by this sudden swing of emotion, he said, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine," she smiled weakly. "I've only flown a few times, and this is the first time I've carried anyone." She didn't delve into anymore detail than that.

He nodded.

"There's salt in the cabinet above the sink. Line the front door with it." He nodded and got up.

Farrah stretched out a bit and tried to relax on the hard wood. She could see both the kitchen and her front door from where she sat in the corner of the house, so watched Thomas line the door heavily. Seeing a speck of black marker, he lifted the front mat and smirked. A demon trap.

"You went all out, didn't you?" She shrugged and he walked back over, avoiding the kitchen. "Okay, so what do you need my help with?"

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