Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Farrah woke up the next afternoon with a loud yawn. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," said Dean, sitting at the table messing with a gun.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Two pm. You've been sleeping for forty-eight hours after that teleporting bit."

"Wow." She shook her head and stood up. "I'll get my stuff together and we can go then. Sorry I held you up."

Sam walked in from the bathroom. "No problem. Took us a while to find another job actually."

Dean scoffed and set the gun in his duffel bag.

Farrah picked up the coat, only barely familiar to her, and slung it over her arm. "Whose coat is this?"

"Cas's," Sam said.

"Oh." Her face flushed. "I didn't realize he'd come."

"Yeah, yesterday. He said you were cold."

She smiled. That was sweet of him to give her his coat. "I'll return it the next time we see him."

"Won't be too long. That angel you pointed out, Balthazar, sold another piece of the staff of Moses, a stick from the angel treasury. We're going to get it back."

She nodded and grabbed her stuff up. "Where to?"

When the boys exchanged glances, she sighed. "Come on. I know what it'll do to me if I try that again, I'm not going to. Besides, it was a one in a hundred chance that we'd actually end up where I wanted to."

Sam wasn't ready to trust her with that information quite yet; he didn't want her to hurt herself. But Dean just sighed a bit and said, "Topeka, Kansas."

"Okay." She smiled. "Thanks."

He just nodded.

In the car, Farrah got cold, but Dean wasn't changing the settings on the air conditioning, so she covered up with Cas's coat, tucking her legs beneath herself.

She must have fallen asleep, because when she opened her eyes next, Cas was sitting beside her talking about the staff of Moses with Sam and Dean.

"Hello, Castiel," she said kindly, sitting up.

"Hello, Farrah."

She lifted the coat off of herself and handed it to him. "You left this last time."

"Yes, I did. Thank you for giving it back." She smiled and relaxed against the window.

"This piece is bigger," said Cas. "Its power exceeds that of the last one you saw."

"Good. The jobs were getting too easy," said Dean with a smirk.

"Dean, this is not something to laugh about. This is very serious."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Cas, Dean and I both need to be working on this. Could you stay and keep an eye on Farrah?" Sam asked.

"I'm not a kid!" she exclaimed indignantly.

"No, but I don't put it past you to try to teleport when we're gone as practice, even if you've told me you won't."


"It's the Winchester name, sweetheart," smirked Dean.

She glowered.

Cas said, "I can, yes."

Farrah huffed and looked out the window. "I know you're all older than me, but still, I can make my own decisions. I have for five years." She mumbled the last part so quietly that Cas was the only one who heard her.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"By what?" she asked, hoping to tell him to stop with her voice.

"By-" she covered his mouth with her hand.

"Don't ask, please." Her eyes were wide with tears.

Sam and Dean looked back at them.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Nothing." Farrah sat back and put in her earbuds, leaning her head against the window. She could feel two pairs of curious eyes on her, but she didn't care. She just looked out the window and scratched idly at her thigh, picking at a loose string on her jeans.


By the time the Winchesters and their angel arrived in Kansas, Farrah was back to normal, and the brothers seemed to have left her moment behind in their minds. However, Cas was still thinking about it. He was curious, what did her statement have to do with Emily Novaro? Emily had been a very religious wom-there it was. Cas felt his brow lift from its furrowed position. She was only religious in front after the angel took control of her life. He inaudibly sighed. The church on earth was just as corrupt as the angels in heaven.

"I'll take the couch," announced Farrah as they walked inside, but stopped short when she saw the room. Three beds.

"Are you sure?" Dean said.

Both Sam and Farrah looked back at him with wide eyes as he tossed his bag down. "What? The kid's staying, she may as well have a place to sleep that isn't my bed."

She smiled. "Thanks, Dean."

Everyone settled in and went right to sleep (excepting Cas, of course). After two days of restful sleep, it seemed only proper for the universe to balance out Farrah's dreams.

Cas was reading when the first knife fell. He looked up; everything was normal.

Farrah rolled over, dragging a cushion from the couch to the floor. Next a tear rolled from her eye, and a chair fell over at the table. Cas got up and walked over to her. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he shook her arm.

"Farrah, wake up." He stated monotonously.

She sighed and opened her eyes. "Castiel? What's wrong?"

"You were having a bad dream. It was causing you to-" he cut off as something smacked him in the back of the head. His hand flew up to cup the back of his head. "Do that."

She slapped her hand over her mouth. "I am so sorry, Castiel."

"I am fine. What were you dreaming of?"

"I-" her eyes flashed to his and down to her hands. "I don't remember."

He eyed her for a moment before nodding. "Sleep." She laid back down and closed her eyes as he got up and returned to his position on the couch.

The next morning, Dean looked around the room. "What happened, Cas?"

"Farrah had a bad dream."

Farrah sighed. "Not really. It wasn't anything too bad."

Sam said, "Farrah, we're professional liars. We can tell that you're lying."

She sighed. "It's nothing important."

Dean could tell it was, but it was something she wasn't going to tell them just then, so nodded. "Okay. Sammy, we're going to the library." Sam nodded.

"Yeah. See you two later," Sam waved at Farrah and Cas and followed Dean out.

"You know she's hiding something, right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. And I know that if you keep hounding her, she's not gonna tell you."

Sam huffed out a breath in agreement and they got inside.

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