Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Farrah!" exclaimed Sam as he opened the door. Dean looked up from his computer. Sam glanced back. "Uh, I didn't expect you to come."

"I came to see Dean. Were you leaving?"

He obviously wasn't; his coat was at the table and it was forty degrees out.

He let her in and looked between the father and daughter. Hastily he grabbed his coat. "Yeah, I was. See ya." He closed the door and Farrah crossed her arms over her chest.

"Alright," said Dean. "You've been gone two days. You're obviously mad at me, so let's just get this over with."

She glared at him. "Why did you lie to me?"

"Why?" She nodded. He shrugged. "It was easier than telling the truth."

"You lied about who I was because it was easy?! I don't believe you. That is not why. You lied because you didn't want to have the responsibilities of a dad. You didn't want to end up treating me just like John treated you!" His eyes darkened.

"That's not true."

"Of course it is! You either hate me or hate the responsibilities, so which is it?"

"I don't hate you."

"Then you care about me. But that isn't possible either, because of what you did to me! You made your brother tell lies to keep your dirty little secret! What, are you ashamed of me? Of your mistake? Of being possessed? What the frick are you so ashamed of that it made you lie to me? Me! One, I'm your daughter. Two, I'd never open my mouth about your secrets."

"I'm not ashamed of anything."

"You were so against me coming with you. That's because you hate me! You hate what you did! You just want me to leave, so your life can get back to normal! I knew you didn't care about me! The fact that you weren't the cruel twin when the shapeshifter was here is shocking!"

He shrugged and didn't reply.

She growled. "Ugh! I hate you! You're so infuriating!" Her rage rippled off of her like a wave, sending everything in the room flying to the wall, including Dean.

She flew to heaven, wanting to calm down, and not giving a penguin's fin about getting caught. Ending up in an old, slightly autistic man's heaven, Farrah took a deep breath and inhaled the sweet smell of freshly mown grass and blooming flowers.

Tears pricked her eyes. As she laid on her back in the field, her hair splayed out on either side, a dark shadow against the beautiful grass. She wished she never died her hair; she missed its beautiful brown color.

The same as Sam and Dean's, she thought fleetingly. I want my brown hair back.

As the tears became more pronounced, she grabbed fistfuls of grass in her hands and tensed her muscles.

Then she laid her cheek on the ground and gasped lightly. Her hair was brown again.

An angel flew in, causing her to jump to her feet. She felt the angel blade in her pocket and hoped she didn't have to use it.

"Hello," she said. "Who are you?"

Farrah's mind blanked. "Uh, Tabitha."

"I'm Ana. You are young; you have not taken a vessel, I see."

Ana's kind voice made Farrah smile. "No, I haven't." Ana was beautiful, very much like Emily.

"How did you get to come here?"

"I know the angel Castiel. He led me here, but he's gone now." Her eyes wandered to the trees and she tried to send a mental command. Castiel, come. But stay in the trees please.

When she saw a tan coat flapping in her peripherals, she smiled. Ana smiled back. "You are in need of rest. We all are when we are young. Castiel should not have left you. Please, come with me."

Cas stepped out. "Ana, it is alright. I had to take care of something, but I am back."

"Good. I'll leave you then. One always trusts their Guide more than another. I wish you all the luck in the world discovering your purpose here, Tabitha. Until next time." She left and Farrah sighed in relief. Ana seemed nice, but she wasn't about to take any chances.

"Why are you here?" Cas asked her.

"I was mad; I knew if I went anywhere else I'd just get riled up more. This place is calming, peaceful."

"Yes. His heaven is my favorite."

Farrah looked to where Ana had just left from. "Ana seems nice."

"She is. She is one of the most kind angels I have ever met. She seeks out lost ones and guides them home, wherever that may be."

"Speaking of, what did she mean by saying that you were my Guide?"

"When an angel is created, they are placed in heaven on their road to a garden of their own. An angel will meet with them and guide them along their road, or meet them in their garden and explain to them who they are and what they are to do. Since we are here, she may have assumed you got lost on your way to the garden and skipped into this heaven."

"Sounds like something I'd do."

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