Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sam called Cas for the third time, asking him to come or send someone to answer their questions. Dean was on the phone with Bobby and on the web, trying to sort the real from the fake lore-difficult work.

"Has she said anything?" Dean asked. When Sam didn't look up at him, he threw an empty can at his head. "Sam!"


"Has she said anything?"

"She said 'Dad' last night, but that's it."

"Yeah. She's said one word." Dean paused. "Alright. Got it." He hung up.

"So what'd you find?" Sam asked, walking over to him.

"She teleported not only herself, but two people and a car with her her first time. That's as exhausting as it was for Cas to take us forward in time, and he's had practice."

He nodded and looked back at her. She hadn't moved in fifteen hours, and he was starting to worry.

"Why hasn't Cas come?" Dean asked. "He said he would for her. What's the point of asking for updates if you're not gonna return the calls?"

"I don't know. He's probably just busy."

"Busy with what? The war's over." Sam rolled his eyes at Dean.

"Castiel," Farrah sighed. The word was clearer than when she had spoken last, and sounded almost like a command. So when the angel showed up, the boys were hardly surprised.

Cas looked around, his eyes landing on Farrah. When he saw her, he ran forward and kneeled down beside her, laying his hand on her forehead. "What happened? She is cold."

"She is?" they asked ignorantly.

He pulled his coat off and laid it over her. She rolled over.

"What happened?" he asked again.

"She teleported us and our car here from Kansas City."

"She has never flown before," he stated.

"Nope. She's been like that since yesterday afternoon."

Cas nodded and pressed his first two fingers against her forehead for a moment. "She will be okay."

"You're sure?" Sam asked.

He nodded and closed his eyes. "She was very tired." Farrah rolled onto her back and sighed as her eyes fluttered open.

"Hello," she rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up, but Castiel held her down.

"You over-exerted yourself yesterday. It would be best for you to lie down."

"How long was I asleep?" she asked.

"Almost a full day."

She gasped. "Wow. You wouldn't know it; I'm still tired."

"You will be for another day," said Cas disapprovingly. "You should not have flown so far with so much baggage and so little experience or practice."

"I didn't know what the consequences would be." Her voice got rough and scratchy. "Can I get some water?" Sam nodded and filled a cup with tap water, which she downed in seconds.

Her previously cold forehead was now lined with sweat, as if she didn't possess the amount of energy required to sit up and drink a glass of water. "I think I'll go back" she said as she drifted off.

"Cas, she's gonna be fine, right?"

"Yes. The next time she wakes up she will be like normal. Keep her from doing that again until she has more practice. Just flying by herself would have tired her..." Cas trailed off, sounding almost sad.

"We will," Sam promised. "Thanks, Cas."

He nodded and left.

"Dang, do you think Farrah's gonna be going all angel on us in a few weeks?" Dean asked.

"I don't think so. Maybe two or three months."

"Can't wait. She won't be touching my car again."

Sam just rolled his eyes and looked down at the sleeping girl. With a chuckle he realized that Cas had forgotten his coat.

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