I want to see you, guys. I want to see you one more time. Can we be a family again?

"Aera, wake up!"

I want my family back. I want you back here with me. Please, Mom. Please, Dad.


The deafening buzzing sound stopped and the voices subsided, leaving only one voice in particular.

The brightness that pierced through Aera's orbs was blinding. Crisp air invaded her lungs, she wheezed loudly as if this had been the first time she was actually drawing a breath in.

"Breathe. Just breathe."

Blurry-eyed, she couldn't make out anything else except for Jimin's hazy silhouette before her, but she managed to recognize his urgent voice, a low huskiness to it.

"Here. I brought water."

Another form panned into view as Namjoon's deep but hushed voice reached her ears.

"Is she- Is she conscious?" deep doe eyes gazed down at her from behind thin-rimmed round specs, adorned by ruffled mahogany bangs, sticking in every direction possible.

"The convulsions stopped." Jimin whispered, his voice laced with worry. Slowly but steadily, Aera grew aware of his strong hands being wrapped around her wrists, holding them to her sides, yet she still couldn't move an inch.

"I'm- I'm okay," she stuttered in a raspy voice, wincing as if the words caused her physical pain. She had no idea why she felt the need to assure them, but their stunned eyes boring holes in her face told her that whatever had happened, it had managed to shock them.

Jimin's firm grip around her hands loosened slowly before he pulled away, running a hand through his face.

His stare tense, Namjoon handed her the glass of water and she took it weakly, bringing it to her lips and taking a bird-like sip that was enough to only dampen her cracked lips.

"You passed out," Jimin's jaw clenched and released as he peered at her, a pronounced frown on his forehead.

"For how long?" Aera asked cautiously. She had major difficulties recollecting anything that had happened after her uncle's face had suddenly appeared in her broken mirror. An icy shiver swept through her spine.

"Maybe a couple of minutes," Jimin exhaled heavily. "Your body started twisting and curling. We had to hold you down to prevent you from injuring yourself. I think you had a seizure." he took his full lower lip in between his teeth as his eyebrows dipped slightly.

Aera inhaled sharply. Her eyes snapped up at Namjoon and Jungkook who observed her intently like a mouse under a microscope. She squirmed, embarrassed from the indecent state the two of them had witnessed her in. Feeling her cheeks grow hot, she cleared her throat and discarded a couple of stray brunette strands from her forehead.

"I'm okay now," straightening herself up, she forced it upon herself to try and appear confident, but her voice still sounded small in her head. Momentarily, Jimin's understanding chocolate brown orbs met hers. They exchanged a knowing glance that made the breath in her throat hitch. I know you're not okay it was as though he was speaking to her with his mind and she bit her lip, rendered vulnerable by how well he could read her. But I won't press you on it in front of them.

It was quiet around them except for a slight buzzing somewhere in the distance. Instantaneously, Aera realized that they were situated in the security office where the guards resided when not conducting duties. It was all the way down on the first floor and she wondered whether Jimin had carried her all the way down there. With his injured knee.

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