Chapter 22

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Hoseok pov

I was whistling and walking to the kitchen when I heard the doorbell ring. Who could it possibly be by this time of the night?

I walked towards the door and looked through the peephole. I saw a miserable looking person. What happened to him? He looked like a good example of a mess.

I quickly opened the door, "Yoongi! What happened?!" I asked pulling him in. I closed the door and pulled him towards the couch and we sat down.

"we-we broke up." he said shortly.

"what do you mean 'we broke up'?" I asked.

"I broke up with him. I broke up with my boyfriend. I ended things with him!" he ran his fingers through his hair and fell back on the couch.

"what?! Why?!" he stayed silent and just looked up at me. And he then he said words that hit me like a brick.

" 'cause I have fallen for you." and I scoffed. He was unbelievably stupid.

"I can't believe you Yoongi. Why are you so stupid?! How can you fall for someone you just met about two and half months ago?! And top of that break up with your boyfriend of years because of that?!" I got up from the couch and started running my fingers through my hair in frustration walking from one spot to another. I couldn't stand still.

"I-I'm- I don't understand myself. I love my boy- ex boyfriend, so much but I also feel the same way for you. I just don't understand." he said sitting up and sighed with a look of confusion on his face.

Realization of what he said earlier began to settle in on me. He said he loved me. I couldn't come to terms with it. Yoongi loved me? That's...crazy. I won't lie I like Yoongi a lot but him breaking up with his boyfriend since high school days is just...

"and there I was thinking you were about to get your brains back, you say something much more worse." I say going back to the couch, "you are just infatuated yeah? You'll go and apologize to your boyfriend and get back together with him OK? You only think you love me but you don't. You only think you like me because I was spending time with you when he was busy, but now he not-" I tried explaining but he cut me off.

"no. I'm serious. I really love you. I thought about it already. I'm not infatuated. I'm in love with you Hoseok." he said firmly. This can't be happening right now.

"you know what? We'll talk about this tomorrow. Go home." I told him. He shook his head.

"they threw me out. I have no where to go. Can I stay here tonight?" he pleaded.

"yeah, sure." I sighed. "there's a guestroom and I can borrow you some clothes," I said to him, "come with me." I said pointing towards the stairs. He looked at me thankfully and followed me up.

We arrived at the room and I opened the door, getting some extra sheets and setting them down on the bed. I went to my room and brought sweatpants and a shirt and went back to the guestroom, handing them to Yoongi.

"thank you, Hoseok, for everything. I really appreciate it." he said grateful.

"no probs. I'm here if you need anything. The next door on the left is my room." I said turning to walk away. He grabbed my arm and I turned to face him, sending him a questioning glance.

He pulled me into a hug.

Time skip

Taehyung pov

I was walking down the stairs, craving for a midnight snack. Guess I had a sweet tooth. I arrived at the sitting room and heard some noises coming from the kitchen. Was someone in there?

I was getting scared and I tiptoed to the kitchen entrance. I peeped and I saw someone by the counter, lifting a cup to his mouth. Thief?!

I pulled myself backwards, taking breaths as cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Why would someone want to rob Hobi's house? And why would he be drinking water?! Or was that an energy potion? For him to turn into a monster and hulk and become strong that he can- come on Taehyung this is not the time to think stupid.

I tried tiptoeing again into the kitchen. Keyword 'tried', but my clumsy self tripped over my own feet thereby making me fall with a hard thud and planting my face on the floor. Shit! Now I'm fucked. This thief will end my life...

"who's there...?" the thief asked. Why would he ask? Is he scared? Ha!

He walked towards the switch and flipped it on. I began praying for myself.

"oh hey. What are you doing on the floor? Get up." and this is the part where you get up and see a gun pointed to your face. His voice sounds familiar though.

"Tae... Taemin? Taeho was it? Aha! Taehyung." fuck he knows my name. I'm so dead!

"get up from the floor. I'm not going to hurt you." and that's what they all say. I decided to turn around and peek a little. Wait! Jimin's boyfriend?! What the fuck is he doing here?!

I stood up from the ground and dusted my clothes, "what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm staying here. Sorry if I scared you. You might have thought I was some thief."

"you're staying here?! Why?! Since when?! How come?! Does Hobi know you're here?! What happened to Jimin?! Why aren't you in your house?!-" I threw every question that came into my head with my hands all over the place.

"calm down. Your brother knows. I just arrived this evening. Let's just say things aren't going well in my house at the moment." he replied. I scanned him from hair to toes.

"are those..." I said lifting my hand and pointing him, "Hobi's clothes?" he looked down at his outfit and pulled the shirt.

"this? Yeah. I borrowed it." why are his answers so short? I looked at his face once more and noticed his eyes were kind of puffy, "did you cry?" I asked him. His eyes seemed to widen a bit and I regretted asking the question. "you know what? Forget it. What happened to Jimin? Why aren't you with him? Where is he?"

"I-I'll go to sleep now. Goodnight Taehyung." he began walking away.

"wait! you haven't answered me!" and he ignored me. I sighed. What's going on? I guess I'll ask Hobi tomorrow.





I guess anyone who was reading this book doesn't even want to see it again.


I fell sick. It seems like the only excuse I have but it's true and don't ask me why I'm always falling sick.

And again I'm still writing my exams. Why do I always write notes like this when I'm writing exams?

So sorry if I didn't update.

I also had a writers block. Dumb I know.

But sorry again.

Does anyone hate me?

I mean why would you hate me? I'm so loveable *flips hair*

So while yoonmin is down, yoonseok is coming up.


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'peace out 💟

current me:


I talk too much

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