The beginning

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Where is he? A young boy, approximately 12 years of age wearing a red and black outfit, though as he sat in the classroom. Don't tell me he's already causing trouble this early? Out of frustration, he slams his fist on the table in front of him, making the people sitting close to him to flinch. "Hey, Akashi, what's with the sudden outburst of anger?" A boy, the same age, snickered from the side.

"Shut up, Kiba". Akashi said, glaring at him. Kiba raised his eyebrows. "Or what?" He challenged. Oh, he's asking for it. "Do you want a repeat of last time?" Akashi threatened, preparing to get up from his seat. Kiba's eyes widen at the question, but before things could escalate further, the door of the classroom opened.

In walked Iruka with a tied up Naruto. That idiot! Akashi gritted his teeth. "Naruto!" Akashi shouted as he got up and slammed his palms on the desk. Naruto flinched and slowly moved his neck to the side and looked at Akashi. "Oh, hey there bro, didn't see you there". Naruto sheepishly exclaimed. "Listen, Naruto. You failed the last final exam and the exam before that. You shouldn't be fooling around like that". Iruka interrupted and lectured Naruto.

Naruto being Naruto, completely ignored Iruka. Iruka's eye twitched and he turned to the whole class. "We're going to have a review test of the transformation technique!" He pointed towards the class. "Those who already passed will have to line up as well!" He shouted. The whole class visibly got annoyed and yelled an outraged. "What!?"

Iruka went in front of the board and called each student out, starting with Haruno Sakura. So annoying. Sakura went ahead and transformed into Iruka. After a successful transformation, she turned towards Uchiha Sasuke. "Did you see that, Sasuke!?" He completely ignored her. Iruka called out Sasuke next and he proceeded to transform into Iruka.

It was now Akashi's turn. Akashi walked up and did the hand sign, but not before hearing Sakura from the side. "Why is Naruto so annoying? Why couldn't he be more like Akashi?" Hearing this, Akashi let his hands drop down from the hand sign. Iruka noticed this and looked up from his paper. "Akashi, is there a problem?" The class turned to Akashi in question. His eyes were hidden by his bangs and his fists were clenched tight. Just as Iruka was about to ask another question, he was interrupted.

"Sakura". A menacing voice rang out. Everyone took a step back, already knowing what's going to happen. Being called by Akashi made Sakura so happy she didn't pay any attention to the tone of his voice. "Yes, Akashi?" She cheerily asked. Akashi turned around and faced Sakura. His eyes narrowed and pale. "Say something like that about Naruto again and I swear to God, I will break each and every bone in your body".

His words made Sakura gasp and she took a step back in panic. Noticing things were getting out of hand, Iruka stepped in. "Now, now, that's no way to talk to a lady, Akashi!". Iruka lectured, hoping to settle Akashi down. Akashi huffed and turned to the side, crossing his arms. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Clapping his hands, Iruka continued. "Now, let's continue". Akashi did the hand signs and transformed into Iruka. Iruka wrote down the results. "All right".

"Next, Naruto!" Naruto begrudgingly walked up and did the hand signs. A puff of smoke appeared and out of it walked out an older naked female version of Naruto, her private parts were covered by smoke. Iruka, seeing this, flew back by the force of his nosebleed. Naruto changed back and started laughing. "How do you like that!? I call it the seduction technique!" Iruka quickly recovered and got up. "You idiot! Don't invent such a dumb technique!" After that, classes ended and Iruka made Naruto clean up the mess he made of the Hokage Mountain.

Akashi decided to join in to help Naruto. As they were following behind Iruka to the Hokage Mountain, Naruto tapped Akashi's shoulder. "Hey, hey, how do you like my technique?" He excitedly asked his brother. Akashi turned to Naruto. "You know that technique is useless right?" At his words Naruto's face fell. Seeing he hurt his brother Akashi hurriedly continued. "But! You did make something new, right!?" He clarified, smiling softly at his younger brother.

Naruto's eyes widened and he crossed his arms behind his head. "Yeah, yeah! I'm amazing aren't I!?" Naruto declared while grinning widely. Akashi looked fondly at his brother. Ah, I need to protect him. Reaching the Hokage Mountain, Naruto was ushered to clean one side and Akashi to clean the other one. Iruka was observing them from above.

Seeing Akashi scrub the mess Naruto made, made Iruka wonder. "Akashi, why do you always clean up the mess Naruto makes?" He genuinely asked. Akashi stopped cleaning momentarily. A thoughtful look on his face. After a few seconds of thinking, he opened his mouth. "Because, sensei, Naruto is my younger brother, right?" Iruka nodded. Akashi smiled sadly and continued. "I'm his only kin, If I don't take care of him, who will?" The seriousness of his answer surprised Iruka. He is mature for his age. "That's a fair point".

After a while, Iruka said he will treat them to ramen.


The next day at the school.

"We will now start the final exam". Iruka said to the class. "If your name is called, come to the classroom next door". After a second he continued. "The subject will be clone technique". This made Akashi's eyes widen and he immediately looked at Naruto. That's his worst subject! The class soon emptied and only Akashi and Naruto were left. "Uzumaki Akashi!" Was heard from next door. He stood up and looked at Naruto. "Naruto, we will both pass, don't worry". Naruto didn't answer and Akashi let out a sigh.

Reaching forward, Akashi placed his hand on Naruto's head. "Hey, Naruto, look at me". Naruto weakly raised his head. Akashi smiled with encouragement. "You will pass, you hear me!?" Seeing his brother smile, made Naruto smile and nod his head. After patting his head, Akashi walks out of the room and into the room next door. There sat Mizuki and Iruka. "Akashi, create three clones". Akashi nodded and did the hand signs. In a puff of smoke, three perfect clones appeared. "Perfect, you pass, pick your forehead protector". Iruka gestured to the table in front of Akashi.

He walked over to the table, took a dark red one and tied it around his neck.

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