And I felt like it was Christmas.

"Who doesn't like chocolate?" he asked and I grinned, nodding.

"I know, right?" he stayed still, watching me and my arms began to hurt so I pushed the plate closer towards him, making him finally pay attention to it, taking it in his hands.

He watched the cake carefully as if wondering whether there was poison in it, to which I scoffed. Actually, why didn't I think of that sooner?

"I like strawberries." he muttered all of a sudden, my wide grin returning to my face at the remark.

"Me too! The recipe actually said raspberries and blueberries but I changed it to strawberries since I like them so much. Go on, you're the first one to try it since I still didn't have a taste for myself. I'm curious about how it turned out." I rambled in a speed, my words actually making me a bit uneasy.

It's true no one have tasted the cake yet, as we left the other one in the freezer and I was too caught up in thoughts to actually taste it myself before coming here. What if it turned out bad? I mean, it looked perfectly fine on outside but sometimes cakes just-

With an amused glance my way, the king cut one small piece of the cake with his fork and brought it to his mouth. I became more and more antsy as he chewed the cake slowly, before finally looking up at me, his blank expression making me startled.

"I-is it bad? Too sweet? Maybe I should have put dark chocolate inst-" I stopped my rambling as he pushed the fork with another peace of cake towards my lips, looking at me expectantly.

Cautiously I took the cake in my mouth, chewing it slowly as I tried to detect what could have gone wrong with the cake. However I found the cake normal, it tasted just the way it did anytime I baked this. Looking up at him with raised eyebrow I noticed him smiling softly down at me, the plate and fork still in his hands.

"It's delicious." I sighed in relief, smiling.

"Thank you." I chimed, stepping back as I patted my back internally.

My job here is done.

"I'll get going then, enjoy the-woah!" just as I was about to turn around after a subtle bow, he grabbed me by my waist, pushing me back against his chest. I looked up at him with big eyes before glancing down at his hands that held me.

When did he even manage to place the plate down?

"I-is there something you need?" I muttered, pushing my head back a bit to look him in the eyes. The small smile was replaced with a teasing one, his arms tightening around me, preventing me from any escape.

"I will enjoy the cake later, now I want to enjoy something else." taking a deep breath I looked around the room as he inched closer and closer, an amusement written all over his face.

I was glad he showed some kind of emotion, but now?

"Y-your Majesty, I don't think-" he spun us around and pushed me against the window gently, nuzzling his face into my neck. "We can't do this here..." I craned my neck to look out the window, seeing tens of people wandering around the front lawn. All they needed to do was look up a bit, and they would see everything...

Grasping his shirt in my fists I looked back down at him, his silky bangs caressing my face.

"Why not?" he muttered, probably taking in my scent as his nose brushed against my skin. Something he used to do a lot.

"I- well the people-" I whispered, craning my neck again and in a span of a second he pushed the curtains close, pushing me against his chest so he could close them completely. While one of his arms stayed around my waist, the other leaned against the window behind me, his palm right next to my face as if shielding me from any escape. "And anyone can come in-" chuckling he placed a quick kiss on my cheek before glancing up at me.

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