"Mami i was really busy I couldn't pick..."

"Ahmad... I don't care about you're doing or what is keeping you busy but you really need to get yourself to the hospital now. Your baby is about to be born and I need you with me. Now more than ever. Please..."  A tears rolled out of my eyes.

He stayed silent. I waited for him to say something  but he didn't say anything.

"Please...I need you here with me. "

He didn't say anything but then hung up on me

"He hung up " I sobbed.  Ameerah  pulled me into a hug. " I'm so sorry darling. We are here with you... Just stay calm"

Few hours later it was time to really push.  I was alone in the labor room. Hospital rules does not permit anyone except the husband in the labor room. And Khalifa is not here with me.

I have never been so scared and alone. The doctors kept encouraging me to push, I did all I could. I pushed with all my strength.  I couldn't keep up,the doctors suggested a c section. I was immediately transferred into an operating theatre when they noticed my baby's heart rate was very low. I was set up in no time and before I knew it, I lost all consciousness

Few hours later

I don't  know how long I've been unconscious but I woke up to hearing my mom's voice. I didn't open my eyes Immediately, I heard as she spoke on the phone to someone in a joyous tone. I waited until she was done

"Mummy" I managed to call in my hoarse tone. She turned to me swiftly, her face lit up

"You are awake my darling.pele" I tried to sit up but the amount of pain I felt in my lower stomach made me stop.

"Wait let me help you up " she helped me adjust the bed to a sitting position. "Pele my dear, when I arrived you were still in the operation room "

"Where's my child. He's a boy right " I managed to ask.

"Congratulations my baby. Yes you had a  boy but not only that, you have a girl too. You gave birth to twins... You are officially iya ibeji" she announced

My eyes widened,


Like a son and a daughter

I have two. I never thought for once I might be pregnant with twins. During my check up, the doctor never talked about another baby. I didn't even feel another child so this is all a suprise to me.
I can't even start explaining how I feel , this is the biggest news I've heard so far. The best gift I could receive, I was blessed double for my two loses. .

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened ,Ameenah and a nurse came in with a stroller with indeed two babies in it. My face lit.

"The latest iya ibeji in town is awake" Ameenah said. I smiled.  "Congrats my dear. "

"Can I carry them" I asked the nurse quietly. She nodded and placed them on my arms on after the other.  I didn't know where the tears came from but it poured out non-stop .

"How old are they now" I asked the nurse.

"Almost 5 hours old. We fed them milk when they cried while you were unconscious but now you'll have to breastfeed them yourself. We took them to run some check up on them and everything is perfectly fine. "

"But how come, I thought I was pregnant with one. The scans didn't show another baby"

"It is completely possible. The boy was laying under the girl so it made it impossible for the doctor to easily detect but everything is perfectl. I'll leave now, just call if you need anything "and with that she left.

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now