Chapter 27 - One Big Happy Family

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Looking around, Trip saw a pile of square wooden boards in a corner. Each was about the size of an average human torso. She picked one up and passed it to Elder Mu.

"When I say go, please toss it up in the air."

Looking slightly bemused, Elder Mu nodded.

Trip took a few steps back, and said "Go!"

Elder Mu's arm blurred, tossing the wooden board up so high, that it soon seemed to be about the size of a pinky fingernail.All eyes were on it, as it began to fall back down.

Trip waited, calm and still, hands loose and ready at her sides. When the wooden board seemed to be about the size of her palm, she moved in a blurred flurry of motion.

Her hands reached under her duster, drawing a single-shot pistol in each hand. A shot rang out. It hit the wooden board, causing it to slow its downward trajectory while spinning in another direction. Another shot rang out. Then another. And another.

Each time, it was obvious that the shot hit the wooden board. With every shot, the wooden board spun in a different direction, but never in one that would take it beyond their sight.

Each time she shot, she would smoothly holster the pistol then draw another one.

After the fourth shot, she looked directly at Elder Mu, seemingly ignoring the wooden board still in the air.

"Ah...wha-" began Elder Jing.

He was interrupted by the wooden board falling to the ground at Elder Mu's feet. Four holes could clearly be seen, grouped around the center of the board.

Elder Mu gave a single approving nod, a tiny smile cracking his stern expression.

"Ah, well, being able to shoot is all well and good, but we do still need to know if you'll be able to investigate the matter properly." said Elder Jing.

Trip still looked at Elder Mu, not reacting to Elder Jing in any way.

"In your village, the rate of infant mortality has been increasing with each generation. Most of those who survive are handicapped in some way." said Trip. Her tone was firm. It was one used when making a statement.

Elder Jing gasped, his eyes and mouth wide open. "How... how did you...?"

She continued. "Also, in Gao Village, almost everyone is related to one another. Maybe not since the beginning, but marriage among relatives has been going on for at least several generations."

Elder Jing nodded numbly.

"You pass." said Elder Mu, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Thank you. May I begin investigating? Or do we meet Lord Gao first?" said Trip.

"Oh, no, Lord Gao is much too busy! Also, he's always accompanied by our Head of Security... that person wouldn't be happy about such a danger... er... capable stranger like you entering the village. It'd be so much better if you could finish up and leave the village without that person ever finding out about it." said Elder Jing.

"You can't wait to kick us out? When my Mistress is just-" growled Wukong.

"No no no!" said Elder Jing, waving his hands in a panic. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend! It's only because that person is scary, very scary, and behind them, they have an even scarier army!"

"The Crimson Army!" said Trip.

"Yes! They have a battalion nearby, ready to charge into the village at any time!"

"How will they know when to come to the village?" asked Trip.

"Oh, that person has big fireworks that they use to signal the troops. I've seen it before, when I was... oh, so long ago, when the previous Lord Gao... he tried to...". Elder Jing's expression became increasingly sad as he went on.

Journey West 5000Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora