Chapter 15 - Of Barbeques and Firing Squads

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Wukong tore away great handfuls of fur from his body as he growled incoherently, blowing each handful away in a cloud of golden motes. A swarm of little bumblebees took form, flying towards the roof.

With his metal quarterstaff, he started thrusting at the support beams that connected the roof to the hut. Every strike produced a loud BOOM and an awful groaning noise, as well as visible cracks and gaps in the thick wooden beams. Within seconds, he was done.


Meanwhile, the monks outside the hut had turned their attention away from Brother Broad Plans, who had gone from screaming and rolling around to quietly sobbing in a curled up position, hands still pressed against his face. The monks had heard the various loud noises coming from the flaming hut, and were looking at it expectantly.

Was it the struggling of those they had trapped inside? Or was it the final groan of a dying building, moments away from collapsing on itself?

Instead, they saw the roof suddenly detach itself while floating upwards on a bed of tiny golden lights.

For a split second, the roof seemed like it had achieved enlightenment, hovering above the chaos in serene detachment. Sadly, that illusion was mercilessly shattered, as a black-gold furry figure jumped towards the roof and kicked it, sending it flying towards the group of monks.

Fortunately, because their eyes were already on the flaming hut, they were able to avoid the flaming roof. While running off in all directions, they may have resembled headless chickens more than stately monks, but they managed to save themselves.

Less fortunately, the monks were so panicked at the completely unexpected sight of a huge flaming roof earnestly impersonating a suicidal phoenix headed their way, that they completely forgot about Brother Broad Plans.

Which is how a Brother Broad Plans-flavoured meat paste was created... and cooked on the spot too.

The rest of the monks did not have much time to even register the fate of Brother Broad Plans. Moments after the flaming roof came crashing down for the impromptu barbeque party, the front of the wooden hut exploded outwards. Burning firewood and flaming pieces of wall flew outwards, as did Wukong. With both hands, he held the sturdy wooden table in front of him like some shield-like battering ram. On his back was Trip, securely fastened and covered with a wet blanket.

Switching the table to a one-handed grip, he reared his arm back, then threw the table towards the largest group of monks, sending it spinning towards them. It mowed them down until finally crashing into a trio of monks.

In a great rumbling voice that sounded like the the grindstone of doom, Wukong shouted, "JUST TRY TO RUN! I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN ANYWAY!"

"Foolish monkey demon! You dare to boast with just a stick in your hands? Brothers! Arm yourselves!"

Brother Broad Wisdom had arrived with his team of monks. In his hands was the double-barreled pistol. The other monks with him were armed with a brace of pistols each, or had arms full of leather ammunition pouches. One or two near the back were holding wooden boxes full of pistols and more pouches of ammunition.

Now that one of their leaders was on the scene, the previously scattered monks all assembled behind Brother Broad Wisdom. Grabbing the pistols provided, they formed a neat line facing Wukong, with Brother Broad Wisdom in the middle. To the right and slightly behind each monk brandishing pistols, was another monk with pouches of ammunition.

"Witness the power of our technology! Brothers, fire at will!"

The monks with pistols began shooting at Wukong, as their partners reloaded more pistols for them. The group of monks, as a whole, formed a machine that shot out a continuous stream of bullets.

Wukong walked forward with steady steps, spinning his quarterstaff so quickly that it blurred, forming a shield of wind and metal.

Despite the large number of bullets shot at him, most of them missed completely. The rest were deflected with his spinning quarterstaff. Walking forwards faster and faster, he reduced the distance between them. Fifty feet... twenty-five feet... and then he charged.


Some distance away from the monastery, there was a cave. Above the opening of the cave, there was a stone sign, with the words "Black Wind Cave" on it.

Below the sign, stood a black bear hybrid. He looked like a black bear that was standing on two legs, with an overall build that was slightly more human than bear. He was not very tall, but he was bulky, powerful and covered in scars. His shoulder muscles and arms were so over-developed that it made his head, that otherwise looked like that of any other bear, seem smaller in proportion.

With his beady eyes, he gazed over the ledge and downwards at the monastery. In the dark of the night, it could be seen that the fire had somehow spread from the hut to other structures nearby.

Could it be that... in trying to fulfill his order for a special double-barrelled pistol, those foolish monks had set fire to their workshops? He didn't care about the monks, but what if they failed to complete the special pistol that was meant for the Bull Demon King?

Suddenly feeling nervous, the black bear hybrid dropped down to all fours and started charging down the trail leading from the cave to the monastery. Although he looked clumsy, his speed was deceptively fast. It would take him mere minutes.

Then, he would see what the fuss was all about.

As he ran, the black bear hybrid's heart was filled with anxiety. Shaking his head, he comforted himself. At worst, he would just haul the Abbot in front of the Bull Demon King and push all the blame on to the foolish Abbot!

-- Chapter 15, End --


Author's Note:

Feedback, constructive criticism and comments are always welcome!

28 Apr 2019:

Thanks to feedback from C, edited and rewrote portions of Chapters 14 to 17.

Various edits made to improve flow and cadence.

Journey West 5000Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora