Chapter 24 - Fear Not He Who Practices 10,000 Kicks Once

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White Dragon looked up at the ill-mannered monkey, shouting from the roof of the Pagoda. Shaking his head, he gave a very horse-like sigh, and continued on his way.

He reached the room that Trip was in, circled around it, and stuck his head through an open window. He saw Trip, sitting cross-legged on a cot, looking deep in thought.

"Ah, Miss Trip, it relieves me to see that you are well."

Before Trip could reply, Wukong burst in through the doors, shouting "Hey! Whitey! You didn't answer my question! Where've you been all this time?"

Trip winced, and said "Wukong. Inside voice please."

Instantly, Wukong put on a look of contrition and lowered his voice to a loud whisper. "Sorry Mistress."

"Wukong, I wanted to thank you for retrieving my gun."

Wukong grinned and patted his puffed out chest. "You can depend on me Mistress. That's what I'm here for!"

Trip nodded and turned to White Dragon. "I'm curious about where you've been as well."

White Dragon seemed rather embarrassed, as he said "Well, it so happened that I was able to see what the monks were doing in the sheds and... I simply could not help myself. Their level of metallurgy and metalworking is just too primitive. Or should I say, was. I have been working with the monks to improve their methods and designs. I have also pointed them in the general direction of several branches of research they could start on, which should be greatly beneficial to them in the years to come. If Brother Mender had not come to tell me about your injuries and the situation that led to it, I would still be in those sheds. It may have been primitive, but working with them was quite... enjoyable."

Wukong pointed a finger at White Dragon, and said "So basically, you've been having fun while I've been out wading through entire armies of imps and fighting the Black Wind Demon for our Mistress!"

White Dragon cocked his head to one side. "Does that not mean you have been enjoying yourself too, Wukong?"

At this, Wukong broke down laughing. "Yeah, you're right Whitey, I had a great time!".

Trip jumped to her feet. "Alright. Since we're all here and good to go, it's time we're off."

"Where to, Mistress?"

"Black Wind Cave."


Trip pointed the single-shot pistol at her target, trying to visualise the effect she wanted. She would feel so much better if it was her revolver in her hands instead, but she refused to risk it while testing this new technique. Her caution was warranted, as she had already cracked the barrel of several single-shot pistols while experimenting.

It had been several days since they left the monastery to continue on their journey, after they had returned to an emptied-out Black Wind Cave. Everything useful had been taken from the thoroughly evacuated cave, even the Black Wind Demon's corpse and weapons. All they had found, thanks to White Dragon, was the mysterious black screen on the metal table in the blood-stained metal room.

When they had first walked into the room, Wukong had been fascinated with the designs drawn out in blood. White Dragon, followed by Trip, had walked directly to the black screen, which had lit up in response to White Dragon's approach. In almost no time at all, White Dragon had managed to find the location of Gao Village, a place that supplied food to the Crimson Army. It was there, that they would likely find a clue leading directly to the Crimson Army, and the Bull Demon King.

Now, it was night, after Trip had completed her usual nightly physical training. As she had done every night since leaving the monastery, she focused her attention on the single-shot pistol in her hands. Warm yellow particles formed around it. Some began to spin around the barrel, while others gathered near the back of the pistol.

With a pull of the trigger, she shot at the thick tree trunk a short distance away from the campfire, causing the bullet to bury itself partway into the tough bark. At the same time, long cracks appeared along the barrel of the pistol.

Turning to White Dragon beside her, Trip asked "Improvements?". Stowing the cracked pistol in a saddle bag, she retrieved another single-shot pistol from the space inside White Dragon. Moving smoothly, she busied herself with reloading it, as she listened intently to White Dragon.

"Much better this time, Miss Trip. You will definitely need to increase the force generated from the rear, while reinforcing the inside of the barrel. At the same time, try to imagine a forward-attracting force, moving like a tight spiral up the barrel."

"Like a magnet, attracting the bullet towards the target?"

"Exactly like a magnet. Except, try imagining a magnet several thousands of times more powerful than the ones you-"

"Mistress, why play around with these harmless weapons? They're about as harmful as a slingshot! It'd be better to leave the fighting to me!" said Wukong in a rather disgruntled tone.

Trip had a slight frown on her face, as she said "I thought that a warrior like you would have known the principle of focused practice. Without practice, how did you become the one who single-handedly defied the armies of Heaven?"

Wukong puffed out his chest, saying "Ha! I never needed to practice! I was born a warrior! But... " Wukong deflated and became extremely serious. "What's this focused practice?"

Trip studied Wukong, noting his uncharacteristically serious manner, and nodded.

"Let me tell you the story, exactly as my father told me. A long time ago, there was a legendary warrior-philosopher, said to be the greatest hand-to-hand fighter in the world. His name was Little Dragon. Often imitated but never surpassed, his techniques and philosophies have guided and inspired people for thousands of years. One of his sayings was: Fear not the one who practices 10,000 kicks once. Fear the one who practices one kick 10,000 times."

Wukong looked stunned. His mouth was open, and his eyes were wide and shining. It was as though he had been struck with lightning that gave him a great revelation.

"Mistress, I would like to hear more about this Little Dragon. But for now, there's something I need to do." Wukong ran off with his quarterstaff to the opposite end of their little campsite. There, he began moving in slow motion, thrusting then sweeping with his quarterstaff while muttering to himself."Hmm, this is where I blocked that stupid bear, then he stabbed at me... here, then I blocked... there... is there a way to block faster to counter? Hmm... how did it go again..."

"Miss Trip, I do believe this is the first time I have had the privilege of seeing you smile."

Trip said nothing. Focusing on the single-shot pistol in her hands, she caused the familiar yellow glow to form around it. This time, a faint spiral formed around the barrel, while the barrel itself developed a yellow sheen.


A bullet sped its way to a tree. It was to be the first of many.

-- Chapter 24, End --

The saying from Little Dragon is, of course, actually from the truly legendary Bruce Lee, who said "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

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