16- Untouched lies and untold secrets

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Yokozawa didn't know he was property.

Kirishima released a heavy sigh as he continued driving. How on earth was he going to tell this boy that he wasn't born, he was created? Yokozawa could never live on his own or do anything by himself because he wasn't a person, he was an experiment.

An experiment that was created to serve mankind.

"Let's not talk about that. I'm sorry that your first years of life were beyond miserable, but those days are long gone. Ok?"

The experiment furrowed his brows while staring at his lap. The curly haired man was hiding something from him, he could feel it. One moment Kirishima was willing to answer his questions, and the next, he was telling him to forget it.

It was unusual, confusing, and worse of all, aggravating.

"Are they?"

The hazel eyed man spared a glance at the experiment. "Are they what?"

"Are those days really behind me? I don't remember much but I remember that your men used to poke me and run a lot of weird machines on and around me. Then....you made them stop." Yokozawa's gray eyes darkened. "But then you made them continue. You made me meet that weird man as well. Why?"

An icy cold lump formed in the back of the curly haired boss's throat. He couldn't speak or even form a coherent thought. This boy definitely knew a bit too much for comfort.

"You wouldn't understand-

"How am I to understand when you don't tell me what's going on?!" The experiment asked, his eye ticking with annoyance. "I-I know I'm not normal. I've come to terms with that, but what I haven't yet understood is why I'm here with you. Or why I'm even here at all."

Kirishima squeezed the steering wheel tightly before swerving into a parking lot to an almost empty store. "You're here because I want you to be here, ok? Please accept that without anymore questions. Please."

The older man's voice had cracked. He was at the at the end of his peak.

He'd done a lot of things over the years, but this, this was too much. To create an experiment and give it the mindset of a normal person had been his downfall, his biggest sin.

And this was a sin he just couldn't admit to. Because admitting to one sin, was like admitting to everything else he'd done wrong. He just couldn't do that.

Considering the fact that this wasn't the only thing he'd totally messed up or made a mistake of. There was one more detail, one more fact of the matter that he himself still refused to believe or acknowledge.

"Will you tell me eventually?"

"Yes, now please behave. We're at a store."

The experiment perked up as his curiosity got the best of him. While he still wanted answers, he couldn't hide the fact that this new building had gained his attention. "That's a store? What does it have?"

Relieved that things had turned around and weren't as bleak, Kirishima nodded his head. "Yes. This building you see right here is a store. Depending on what you're looking for, you can come to one of these places and purchase it."


The hazel eyed man simply offered an amused smile. "It is. Now come on. We have a lot of stuff to buy."

He turned off the car and walked to the other side so he could open the door for Yokozawa. It took a while because the experiment was too busy glancing around, but after a while they made their way inside the market.

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