12- Morals will be tested

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"He'll be here tomorrow."

Kirishima's eyes widened at this, and for once his calm and collected facade slowly started crumbling away. His eyes now shone with worry and desperation.

"That doesn't leave us much time. Forget the behavior analysis, I just want you to run a brain scan on him."

"On it." Takano nodded his head curtly before rushing out of the room in search of the grey eyed experiment.

. . .
"Now Takafumi, I know you may not favor me as much as you favor Kirishima-San but I need you to cooperate with me." The head scientist spoke, readjusting his glasses as he eyed the man.

Yokozawa simply stared at him, still a bit hazed out after having been injected with a 'calming' sedative.

"I need you to lay down on this bed and try not to move" Takano instructed, patting the medical bed that was attached to some type of machine with multiple buttons and wires sticking out of it. The raven haired male hopped up on the bed and released a small feral growl when Takano none so gently pushed him into a laying position.

The dark haired man ignored the experiment and began focusing on his head. Placing different colored wires all over the boys forehead and temple. Humming once he felt satisfied all cables had been placed accordingly.

Yokozawa instinctively brought a hand up and touched one of the wires, fingers tracing the cool plastic coating it, which resulted in his wrist being grabbed tightly by Takano.

"Don't touch. They're very delicate and I'm not sure Kirishima-San would appreciate you messing up his equipment."

The grey eyed man huffed, agitated. A scowl slowly etched itself onto his usually stoic face as he stared up at the pristine white ceiling. He was beyond annoyed and he didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to keep his cool.

"Listen 62- I mean Takafumi, I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything like that, it's just.... the founder of this cooperation is concerned that we're not doing our jobs so he's on his way at this very moment. If he sees our research isn't worth it, he'll pull the plug and stop funding us, so you see why this is very important, right?" Takano asked eyes searching for even the smallest hint that the experiment understood what he was saying but upon receiving a blank stare Takano was forced to believe otherwise.

"Forget it, you probably don't understand what I'm saying." The scientist sighed, a tired smile on his face as he switched the machine on. After a few buzzes and metal clanks, a clear x-ray of the boys brain printed out.

"Thanks for cooperating with me. I really appreciate it."

Yokozawa nodded, ripping off the wires that were stuck to his head, not even bothering to wait for the man with glasses to assist him.

. . . .
"Where's that brain scan?" Kirishima asked, holding his hand out expectantly.

"Right here, we've concluded that the part of his brain that makes him more compassionate and susceptible to ideas and thoughts is very high."

"Which means?"

"It means we're on track despite his attitude and lack of expression. This proves he actually understands a hell of a lot more than he let's on."

"So he's also developed the ability to keep secrets and feign knowing certain things? Interesting." Kirishima hummed, very pleased with Takanos findings.

"Indeed." A voice said, making both men's head whip in that direction.

"Isaka, nice of you to fly down and see us." Kirishima said, giving the owner a bright smile as he shook his hand.

Isaka gave a small nod taking in his surroundings. "Well let's get to it, I have plans this afternoon."

"Sure, right this way" the curly haired man agreed, leading Isaka to a conference room where they jumped right into it and began discussing the funding and research.

"So as you can see our plan to make the perfect human being is turning out to be a success. According to our statistics we should be able to open up for business and begin making more experiments in a few years maybe even months."

"That sounds great and all but....

"But what?" Kirishima asked raising an eyebrow curiously as he took a sip of coffee from his mug.

"I have yet to see the experiment." Isaka finished, resting his hands under his chin in a thoughtful manner. "Its the same experiment from last time right? The girl with brown hair?"

Kirishima looked away, bringing a hand up to his neck and rubbing it nervously. "No, that experiment died shortly after your visit due to some complications."

"What a shame, she was a nice girl. Though she was a bit too docile." The man with icy blue eyes commented while standing up and stretching his tired muscles.

"Well I assure you that won't be a problem with this one." The hazel eyed man assured, clicking a button on his watch and waiting for it to turn on.

"Oi, I need you to bring #62 to the conference room." Said man talked to the contraption on his wrist, waiting in his chair until there was a knock outside the door.

"I'll get that." He said standing up and opening the door, coming face to face with the steely eyed boy.

"That's him?" Isaka asked taken aback by how developed and progressed this experiment looked in comparison to the previous. The blue eyed man did an entire 360° circle around Yokozawa before smirking in approval.

"He's a very fine specimen."

"Indeed he is." Kirishima replied sending a smile over his shoulder to the not so happy camper glaring daggers, a very pissed off scowl etched on his face as he stood in the middle of the room and listened to the men talk about him as if he were a dog that needed praising, or as if he wasn't there at all.

"So what does he do?" Isaka asked, staring at the grey eyed man, waiting to see if he'd do something of amusement.

"Well... nothing much. For some weird reason his body grew at an accelerated rate. 2x faster than his brain to be exact. So we had to give him an injection to stunt his growth and allow his brain a chance to catch up."

"Approximately how long do you think it'll take his brain to catch up to his estimated age?" The owner of the company asked.

Kirishima frowned, he didn't know whether he should be happy or concerned by how much Isaka seemed to like the experiment; but it could always be worse. With that in mind the usually cocky man pulled up a chart and skimmed through it.

"According to the test we ran on him; it took two years for his brain to be that of an older child/young teen. We couldn't find a definite age. His body and appearance is a different story though. Upon further testing and observation we've concluded his physical age is around 20 to 25. So we're looking at one or two more years before his brain and body are finally in sync."

"Just two years? Wow, and here I thought you all weren't doing your jobs." Isaka chuckled warmly before taking on a serious stance. "I have a proposition for you."


The owner raised his hand cutting Kirishima off. "I'm going to give you the funds necessary to keep this research going because I like what I see."

"That's awfully kind of y-"

"That being said, I'd like to purchase.... this off your hands." He said motioning towards the boy who had his fists clenched tightly at his side.

"P...purchase him?"

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