3† Afraid of the Darkness

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"Mary, don't listen to her. She's just trying to impress Father Orfeo all for herself. The horrid sin of Envy has taken over Sister Rebekah. Father has asked Mary specifically to bring him and the other men the food." Selene wrapped an arm around Mary's shoulders, "Fear not my sister, for I will guide you away from this sinner." Selene smiled a toothy grin at Rebekah and carried a tray of dishes while Mary took the rest of the dishes away.

As Mary and Selene walked down to Father Orfeo's room, Mary looked up at Selene before speaking, "I will forgive Sister Rebekah. I feel she meant no full harm about her words. Maybe she is just not fully unsure of my strengths. I am after younger than most." Mary took in the blueness of Selene's eyes, her short but not too short blonde hair that framed her face perfectly, and her womanly curves. She seemed too dangerously close to being a model instead of a nun.

Selene nodded and smiled a bit looking in the direction of the Priest's door, "It's alright. Just be cautious of the people here. They might tell stories of things that I truly believe aren't true. Sometimes they say things that just don't make sense."

Mary smiled back and shuffled the tray around to have enough room to knock on the door before speaking, "Father, supper is ready."

From the outside, you could hear the men scurry around and a door shut. "Oh! Come in Sisters." Orfeo hushed the men as they straightened their clothes and sorted the books around trying to stop their childish snickering, "Shh." Father Orfeo opened the door grinning wildly at the two women. "Come in, come in. We were just chatting about how grateful we are about you ladies cooking extra for us amongst other things."

Mary and Selene walked in then set down the trays onto the table, Mary kept her eyes on the men, eyeing them suspiciously. "Selene thought to bring the food to you gentlemen up here since you all seemed so busy." Mary took the chance to look over the other me, studying each of them thoroughly.

One man eyed her body a bit, but even frowned realizing she was in the nun uniform. Before looking back down to his book, another two eyed the closet a bit weary of any noises to come from there. The last one tried to hush the men and keep them from staring too long. "Why thank you, Sisters. Oh and you will have to excuse our mess here. We were discussing the differences between our people and the, you know, the heathen deadly disasters of, well, monsters I suppose." He leaned on the high backed chair trying to distract Mary from the other men.

Mary followed their gazes to the closet briefly before looking at the Pastor. "Is that so" Must be a very good conversation..." She trailed off trying to listen to the best she could.

The one man who eyed her body smiled speaking up, "How about she joins us in our," he paused and waved a finger trying to think, "Discussion of the war between vampires and humans? She might have some good insights of the war."

Father Orfeo shot him a glare, shutting him up quickly. This was something Mary didn't get to see due to her eyeballing the closet again. "I might. What part of it are you discussing about?"

Orfeo furrowed his brows and shook his head walking towards Mary, "It's nothing that should bother you my dear Sister." He stroked her hair sightly trying to comfort her.

Once again the other pastor grinned, this time almost showing his teeth before being shot another glare, this time from Selene, "Oh, don't be like that. She should be wonderful at this. We are trying to figure out the largest casualties from the beasts."

Mary looked up at him then the other men, "Around here or around the world Father?"

The father nodded, "Actually both. We've been having some murders within the city here, plus the assassinations around the world against powerful or rich people. Nasty business going on in the shadows for sure." The other men smiled a bit as they heard shuffling come from the closet.

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