7† Stay For a Fight

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After about two weeks of waiting to speak to Caterina, Mary was given housing with other nuns and fed as if she belonged there. Mary would sit and chat with the other women, enjoy the sunlight on a small patio occasionally, and even be allowed to roam the Vatican grounds.

As Mary knelt down to the garden of flowers, she plucked the dying buds and leaves. Upon hearing footsteps behind her, she turned to see Father Vaclav approaching her. He gave a small bow, his hand across his heart, "Sister Mary. May I have a word?"

Mary nodded, standing up promptly. She patted her habit off and placed her palms in front of her, "What is it Father?"

Vaclav stood straight giving a faint smile, "We have gone over our reports and interrogation of the Vampire Woman. Lady Caterina has requested your personal word now. I apologize for such a long wait, but after repairing Caterina's office and fixing our security, we feel it's safe for you to tell your side of the story. I do thank you for the bit of information you have written out to the best of your knowledge, but now if you would be so kind to tell us in person of what happened that day."

Mary eyed Vaclav curiously, "What did the woman say?"

"Unfortunately for us, she hasn't spoken a word. She hasn't eaten even a bit. She seems to have refused everything we've tried."

Mary's brows furrowed, "What do you mean she seems?"

Vaclav scratched his chin slightly, his well kept beard barely moving from his chin, "Well, I'm sure you can see for yourself, but she hasn't moved once since we put her in a holding cell. We have tried to take DNA samples, or even blood samples. Nothing has been able to penetrate her skin. It's as if her skin were-"

"Made of metal... How strange. And you are sure she hasn't eaten? In my experience, vampires can go without eating, but they start to become weaker, and more vulnerable to sunlight and silver. But I've been doing a lot of thinking myself. Tres stated she was immune to the silver bullets. And I never did see the bullets in her skin chemically react to cause any signs of weakness. Let alone the fact that her body pushed out the bullets as if they couldn't hurt her. She still can see in the dark and move extremely fast as a vampire could. There's no reason to say that she isn't a vampire, but just, not exactly a vampire like the ones I grew up around." Mary paced back and forth a bit before watching Vaclav, "Sorry, I get carried away with certain things. Mainly I take after my parents in that field."

Vaclav smiled, shaking his head, "No, no. It's alright. We might need that brain of yours. I bet you could give William a run for his money. But Caterina requests you around 2:45 pm tomorrow. That should leave you enough time to clean up and eat lunch beforehand." He bowed once again before heading back to his quarters.

Mary nodded, curtsying him, "Thank you again, Father."

The next morning, Mary woke up and began her morning prayers. She sat on her knees on the side of her bed and folded her hands gently. "Oh Blessed Mother Mary, Please guide me today in bringing justice to the woman, who even being a huntress of the darkness had the compasion to save my life not once, but nearly thrice or more. If she is who I believe, then this woman was like a second mother to me. I respect this woman and hope that with all your glory, you will spare her life after telling your beloved Son of my prayer. She does not deserve death of the unimaginable. I do not wish that pain on this woman and hope you share this desire, for it is written in the Bible itself that we should turn the other cheek instead of taking revenge on our enemies. I can feel the pain radiating off of this woman Mother Mary, she needs our love above all else. Please send my message with sincerity to the Holy One himself... Amen."

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