4† Thin Air

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They hastily drove towards a hide out apartment in hopes to lay low. The drive was quiet. Mary looked at her lap and picked up the bloodied fabric before raising her gaze to them. So many questions buzzing in her head.

The driver looked in the mirror and snickered as she adjusted the rear view mirror. "Don't mind him. He doesn't talk too much." She ruffled her short hair in the mirror then tapped her lips making sure her lipstick stayed on. "My name is Monica, and that hunk of scrap metal is Tres. If he seems a bit off, then it's only because he's not fully there... He's an artificial intelligence. Or you can call him a robot if it's easier for you."

"I see..." Mary smiled back slightly but kept her guard up. "So do you know where we are going then?"

"We are just going to take you to our temporary command center in this town before going back to the Vatican. We've been tracking vampire attacks for the last month. We have people in various cities trying to find the attacker killing people. Everyone is freaking out that the churches are being attacked and slaughtered by this Methuselah. Even some people of high status are being sought out and killed. I'm glad you survived though. That means you can explain everything you know and have seen here-"

Tres spoke and cut Monica off, "Then we can track down the target vampire."

"O... Oh..." Mary looked down to her hands and gripped them tightly, "I can only tell you so much. I've been here for about a week so far..."

Upon arriving, they went inside. Monica was first to get in, rushed to plop herself onto a couch without a care in the world for anyone else around her. She sat in a way that would disgust most anyone who would declare themselves as a lady. Mary followed Monica with Tres close behind the two women. Tres stood next to a room, "You can stay here in this bedroom. We will be out here. Furthermore, do you have any questions?"

"Yes, you said you were tracking the vampire attacks?" Mary looked around the room before turning towards Tres.

Tres looked forward towards Monica but still answered Mary, "Affirmative. We have been getting information that people have been being attacked in this town. What regards your question on this subject Mary Angelina?"

Mary shrugged, "Guess you can say I'm just a curious type, "She looked away for a second. "So how exactly did you come upon my situation?"

"There were reports of Nuns going missing from that church."

Monica hollered from the main room, "That must've been the woman who died there. I bet they found out we've been tracking them down so they held a girl captive to feed on when they could. That way they wouldn't go through so many Nuns. That's the girl you replaced then too." Monica inspected her nails and smiled looking over to Mary.

"And I would have been next if..." Her voice trailed off as she grew hushed, staring at the ground her nails dug into her own palms.

Tres turned to Mary, "Affirmative. But you should get some sleep before we start questioning you and head out for Vatican City. If you require anything else we will be here."

She nodded and let him leave before sitting on her bed. "I never got to thank that woman..." Closing her eyes, she could see the whole thing again as if it was on repeat in her mind. Every time she finds a new home for herself, something horrible happens to the ones she cares for. Tears rolled down her face as she stood up, again looking for a weapon in order to feel safe.

In the corner, red eyes seemed to glow and a small snicker arose on red lips. On the bed sat an old looking dagger that was embellished with jewels.

Mary roamed the room looking for anything. It was then when she noticed the dagger's shine in the slight glare from a single lamp in the room. Cautiously she approached it. "When did this get here? Or was it always on the bed and I hadn't noticed?" Mary's eyes bore into the details as if it looked more familiar than she thought possible. "You look like the dagger my grandfather gave me when I had just started training..." Her eyes softened in thought of her grandfather, the last two years traveling and training as a nun kept Mary busy, but also farther away from her grandfather than she wanted. Now, being so close to the Vatican, she knew she could visit him in less than a full day if needed by a car or train trip. Those eyes stared longingly before Mary had the dagger palmed delicately. The blade she knew and loved until the day she had lost it in a life or death situation with vampires once before held an engraved passage. As Mary pulled the two pieces apart, she could see the awe in her reflection, "Ezekiel 28:13," a small gasp and a bit too much of joy escaped with it as Mary's eyes lit up even more so. "You were in Eden, the garden of God, and adorned with every precious stone: ruby, topaz, and emerald, chrysolite, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and jade. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created, they were made." A small chuckle made its way out, Mary too astounded and unsure of what her eyes were truly seeing. She was amazed but indeed happy to have her dagger at her side once again. It was useful then, and it would be just the same soon.

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