26† Deliver Unto Evil

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Abel sat with his head hung low as his hands covered the back of his neck, "I don't understand. She wants to know something but won't downright ask me unless she does... Like, controls my energy first. She said something today though. She said about the funding cuts to her family. M'Lady, I believe this is the daughter from the family testing on vampires for the military that was shut down for their acts. I was there at the place maybe almost ten years ago. You sent me down to them because of the vampire threat they had. I never knew, or noticed, that if Eden was with Mary all those years ago, she was there at that time. Maybe that's why Eden knew I was a priest here as well. Or-"

"Or what? Abel, we have to figure out what to do with this woman. She has powers we don't know how to control or stop. I remember that happening back then, too. She might be on her own revenge path." William stared at some paperwork on Mary, sorting them out in order. "Or a mission to infiltrate for the military as well."

"She's even dangerous to Abel which isn't good for my AX team. The only one we can safely rely on is Tres. But even Eden can take him out. So if he is down, we are helpless. We need to find a way to fix this." Caterina looked up to Abel and watched him carefully. "Abel, I believe your side of things, but I'm glad it was only our men who caught you in that situation." She took a sip of her tea then looked around to the room's guests. "I don't want her to escape again. Hugue is in her room right now with Tres outside. So hopefully nobody will help her out of her restraints."

"M'Lady, once again, I believe we need to get Eden out of the Inquisition's captivity. In my room, she was able to stop Mary regardless of healing from the deadly poison I had to use. I guess that is also after she started to consume some of my blood as well. Maybe the fact that Mary grew up with and around Eden, she knows more about Mary for sure. But Eden didn't even do anything special to stop Mary. She only perhaps slapped some sense into her. As if she was just scolding a child. Mary was desperate to find Eden, so that means she might be just in search of her after all?"

"Wait, that vampire woman," William swallowed hard as Abel shot him a sincere glare, "I mean, Eden. Sorry, old habit. But you mean she fed off of you?"

Carefully, Abel thought a bit before answering, "Y-yes. She did. And has before. And probably will again. You should all know that she is like me, but she is also much more. She is not a direct threat to you as humans, for she won't care to ingest human blood. Vampire blood will give her the most strength in the end of it all. Don't underestimate her, ever. That's the best advice I can give you in order to guarantee your survival," Abel looked over to the other men in the room with a cold stare, "She's earned her name of 00 for a reason. I am 02 of the other four of us. We were genetically enhanced humans as you know, but Eden was a normal human girl. Well, not so just human after all..." Reaching out for a book, Abel traced the letters with his fingers, "I went back to where the books came from. I found a journal kept by her mother. Mother Maria had another nun take over writing about her daughter's life after her own death. There's more to Eden than what I've ever been told by her. More than I've ever been told even. She hides as a beta life form when she's really an alpha. I don't know if that's how she shows her humbleness or what, but I know for a fact, if she wanted to, she could probably wipe out this land and the Vatican within a week's time. There would be no preparation needed. Just one small message, and she could have everyone begging for her. Thus everyone eating out of the palm of her hands. And because of this, we need to get her out from the Inquisition's grasp. If you think she's terrifying now, wait until she's absolutely pissed off..."

"I'll have to agree with Abel here. I will be glad to try to get into His Holiness's room. I think your plan will work Lady Caterina." Pinching his brow, Vaclav imagined how it would work.

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