Sorry, my bad

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Mikaela's POV

As Sam and I turned to walk towards Bumblebee, I noticed Adeline was not with us. She stood, unmoving, eyes distant. Since all this has happened, her "condition" has worsened. She could go weeks without an episode; they had never been this close together. Noticing her leaning against the building earlier, I knew she was overwhelmed and trying to calm herself down. The giant robots from space didn't help much. The Autobots were looking at her curiously. It's my fault; I should have never brought her with me. Hell, I shouldn't have left the house. I needed to get her back.

With the full realization of what was happening, I rushed up to her, grasping her shoulders. Her eyes were glazed back, lost. Sam approached us, looking around at the Autobots surrounding us, placing a hand on her back.

"Don't lay a finger on her!" I snapped, pushing him away harshly. Sam lost his balance and fell to the cement, looking up at me in disbelief and worry. I heard Bumblebee move from behind him, but I didn't care. Adeline had begun to scream uncontrollably, collapsing into the cold cement.

Rushing back to her, I placed my hand on her cheek to calm her but yanked it away as she was hot to the touch. Burning.

"Come back to me, please," I cried.

Ratchet had come up behind me, crouching before us, scanning her. My head whipped to his, tears running.

"Don't you fucking dare," I growled.

Adeline's POV

I could still hear the faint pleas of my sister over the battle cries of dead robot warriors—so much death.

Why was I still here? How is this happening?

I shut my eyes tightly, hoping to return to the dark ally. I only open them to jump back into terror. Ruby eyes stared down at me, piercing my soul. They were different from the eyes of the police car, more menacing.

"You will be mine," He growled as the massive entity approached me slowly like I was his prey to devour whole. His claws extended only inches away from me, reaching into my body. I let out a blood-curdling scream as I felt my insides burning me from the inside out.

Suddenly, a bright, blinding light blasted the being away. It was gone. Slowly, my senses returned to me. The burning suddenly stopped, although I felt the echo of it beneath my skin. Slumping against the weight of it all, I felt hands on my cheek, causing me to flinch away from the sudden contact.

"Shhh, it's just me," I heard Mikaela whisper. My eyes met hers when I gained the courage to open them. She gasped suddenly.

"What happened," I whispered to her.

"I- I don't know. I'm taking you home," She whispered back, clutching onto me like I would blow away with the breeze.

"No, I'm not going anywhere," I snapped, releasing myself from her hold. I stood shakily, directing my gaze toward Optimus, leaving her stunned on the ground.

"What the hell was that?" I shouted, my voice hoarse. Optimus didn't say a word; I could only sense his confusion. Ratchet stood up from where he was and directed his gaze towards me.

"What did you see?" Ratchet said a little too eagerly. Shuddering softy, I answered.

"I don't know. When you showed us what had happened to your world, I stayed. It was still your planet but different, a different kind of war. There was...something with me," I said, voice failing as the memory reverberated through my skull.

"What did he look like," Optimus suddenly piped up, eyes burning into mine.

"He looked like you guys, but... was like a burning skeleton. Tormented," I finished, not believing anything that had come out of my mouth.

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