1977 To 2006

398 9 4

The clothes In my hand slid to the floor as the shaking worsened, spreading all over my body. I couldn't breathe, hear, or see; I was nothing. I felt I was drowning in nothingness. I could faintly hear Mikaela shouting, rushing to me as I collapsed into a heap of flesh onto the floor of our room.

Everything was dark.


Shooting up from my bed, breathing heavily, sleek with sweat. My senses slowly returned to me.

"How long was I out?" I said breathlessly, not even bothering to ask what had happened. Mikaela shifted in the chair she had placed next to my bed.

"About 16 hours," she replied with a yawn. As the words left her mouth, my jaw dropped. That's the longest I've ever been out. It's been getting worse as I've gotten older. The children's home I was at before I came to stay with the Banes told them that it was just a seizure and nothing to worry about. This was not a typical seizure. I knew for damn sure. The first month I was with them, I had another episode. I know how much it scared them. They brought me to the hospital that very first time. The doctors said they had no idea what was wrong with this tiny little girl who was too small for her age as she was medically healthy. I was only 5, and I truly terrified them because they felt helpless. I figured they would send me back because they didn't want the burden.

But they didn't.

"What time is it," I asked, still out of it.

"Late afternoon; I wasn't gonna leave tell you woke up,"

"Where were you headed to?" I asked. After all these years, I still felt like a burden because I had already taken so much from her life. I knew she had other friends she always hung out with, but she always chose to stay and watch over me. I know it won't last forever.

"I was going to meet my friends at Burger King, and I was just about to cancel when you woke up,"

"No, no, don't cancel on them because of me. I'll be fine here, and I'm already getting better," as quickly as the episodes came, they were gone just as fast.

"No, I can't leave you alone...it seemed extra bad this time," she stated, refusing to back down.

"I'm fine, Mikaela," I lied. She knew it, too.

"If you're up for it, come with me. I know how hungry you get after...."

"Yay, Burger King!" I exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of bed too quickly, forgetting my body was still weak. I stumbled, but Mikaela caught me.

"Fine, my ass," She said quietly after adjusting me and backing away slowly, still hovering to ensure I didn't fall again. "Before you go anywhere, you're showering,"

"Yes, Mom," I mocked. She followed me to the shower to ensure I made it there. The water felt intoxicating whenever I had an episode—it calmed any remaining pain. Looking down at my hands, I noticed they were still twitching.

That wasn't normal. Mikaela had been right; It was terrible this time.

Once I was ready, we made our way to the driveway to my sister's teal blue Vespa LX 150. She sped off without warning once we were both ready, almost making me lose my balance.

"Asshole," I shouted over the wind.

Once we arrived at Burger King, Mikaela and I walked up to a table filled with a bunch of girls.

"That's great, just great," I whispered to Mikaela, noticing who was at the table.


She made high school a living hell. It didn't make any better that she was friends with Mikaela. When it was just me and her, she was the meanest person in the world, but as soon as Mikaela was here, she pretended it never happened. The rest of her friends were tolerable, but she was the worst. I never mentioned it to Mikaela, as she has sacrificed so much for me. I think that's why Ashly doesn't like me.

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