Screw you

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I didn't fight it, not entirely. There was no point in fighting the men as they dragged us out of Sam's house. My mind was swimming with questions. How could I have such high radiation compared to the rest of them? If I was so high, why wasn't Mikaela as well? None of it made sense; maybe it was because Ironhide and Optimus held me, not the other two. I couldn't hear anything; I was so out of it, only the high-pitched squeal of Judy yelling about her dog. Mikaela tried to get my attention, but she kept being dragged away. They placed Ron and Judy in another vehicle behind where Sam and Mikaela were being shoved inside. They waited till they were secured in the car before dragging me to the last vehicle in the lineup. It looked like the others but was designed to separate dangerous contents from the rest.

Standing in front of the van was a man dressed like the others in hazmat suits, but how he held himself was unsettling. Stopping in front of him, his intense gaze made my insides churn.

With a smirk, he directly nodded to the men holding me to open the back door. The van's inside resembled a cage, like the ones used to keep Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs. There were benches along the sides and one inside the class cage. The men in hazmat suits lifted me, pulling me into the van before dropping me on the bench, slipping a straight jacket over my head, and putting my arms in, further restraining me. The man, seemingly in charge, watched with twisted amusement. I didn't like being caged like an animal to be observed.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry," One of the men restraining me said, hand leaving my ankle. I believed him, which scared me even more. I already felt crazy; I didn't need any of this, and neither of us did. I gave him a slight nod before his companion drew him away from me outside the glass shielding before shutting the door with a loud thud. They both said nothing as they exited the vehicle, waiting. Their boss lifted his hand in dismissal.

He climbed into the van while the door shut behind him. Once he's sat down, I hear the door click, locking us inside.

"I'm hearing your sister is just as feisty, isn't she?" He said with a smile. He had that look on his face that disgusted me. "Why do all criminals have to be hot," he added, looking me up and down with a smirk. All the engines roared to life, jerking me in my restraints. The man began to take off his hazmat suit, making his face more visible. He completely discarded his hazmat gear, revealing a neatly tailored suit.

"I guess I should introduce myself as we are going to spend so much time together," He stated, adjusting his cuffs, never once breaking eye contact.

"I don't care who you are," I spat out, laughing a little. His expression darkened.

"Oh, but I think you will," the man said before opening the door to my cell.

"What's the point of all this shit if you're just gonna remove it and open the door?" I said, confused, as he approached.

"As I said before, my dear, I must introduce myself. My name is Dr. Elijah Williams," He said, kneeling before me.

"Screw you!" I said, spitting on his face.

"Why did you have to make this more complicated than needed?" Elijah said, shaking his head as he wiped the spit from his face. Before I could notice what was happening, he stood, leaning over me, cupping my face. We were inches apart. I kept trying to shake myself out of his grasp to no avail. Before I knew it, a sharp pain pierced my neck; I gasped as everything darkened.

Mikaela's POV

"So what do you kids know about aliens, huh?" The agent said smugly, looking at us through the mirror.

"Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E. T? No," Sam stammered in a rush.

"It's an urban legend," I said. I sounded ridiculous because they indeed existed and did not look like E.T.

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