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It was silent for a moment, for which I was thankful, but I could tell, even for an alien robot, that he wanted to ask me something.

"I can feel you thinking. What is it?" I asked with an edge to my voice that made me sound harsher than I had intended.

"Ratchet has come to me with some concerns," He stated slowly, not knowing how to word it.

"And what concerns would that be?" I said, laughing disbelievingly.

"He has noticed your episode and other previous interactions in which you were biologically unwell, including situations with Bumblebee," He said, moving his servo so I could face him properly. We were alone, away from everyone.

"Not like it's any of your business, but if you must know, it's just seizures, that's it. I've had it since I was a kid,"

"Although we are new to your planet, Adeline, we are not ignorant of human anatomy, especially Ratchet," Prime continued. "You're so-called seizures and what you call episodes do not follow normal human conditions," Optimus added.

"So what if they are not? Why do you care? I'm only a squishy bug to you guys. I'm nothing," I questioned, looking into his blue optics, feeling defeated. He wasn't human; he didn't understand anything that was going on in my life.

"You are much more than you believe," He stated grimly. Before he could continue, Mikaela and Sam approached us hurriedly. Something was wrong.

"Optimus! Incoming!" Ironhide yelled, following after them as the sound of helicopters boomed overhead.

"Roll out," Prime quickly ordered. They scattered as soon as the order was given—the sound of the helicopters and the faint sound of vehicles drawing near.

Ironhide initiated a shock wave that rendered all incoming vehicles useless as they swerved. Optimus began to lower his servo to Sam and Mikaela.

"Up you get," Prime said as they hurried onto his palm. Once they got situated, he moved hurriedly through the winding streets, narrowly missing a car. We were putting him in danger more than he already was, being a foreign being on a planet where if we as a species see something we don't understand, they terminate it, with or without a proper cause.

Optimus maneuvered through parts of the city, avoiding them as best he could. We clung to each other with each sudden jerk.

He was protecting us from our own kind when it should be that we were protecting him from us.

Optimus suddenly stopped at a bridge, signaling us to climb onto his shoulder plate as he moved up the center to hide within the structure's skeleton.

It was nerve-wracking; we all were being hunted. My heart felt like it had been lodged into my throat as I clasped onto his shoulder. I could hardly breathe.

"Easy, you three," Prime said, looking slightly over his shoulder, but not too much to make us lose our grip on the slippery surface.

"Easy for you to say. You won't die if you fall!" I yelled to him over the sound of the helicopters below us.

Mikaela's POV

The noise was deafening as they approached, hovering under us, searching. For some reason, the bridge was shielding Optimus from being detected by their sensors. Optimus moved his head a little, unbalancing us slightly. I could feel myself slipping off of him.

Adeline made a sudden noise from his other shoulder, causing me to quickly look behind me from his headpiece, making sure she was okay. At the sudden shift in movement, I lost my hold on Prime's shoulder plate, which caused me to slip. Panicking, I grappled for anything.

𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 || 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 (CONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang