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Everything was chaotic, but no matter the noise, it was always the same. Nothing new. That's just how it is: the casual couple making out in libraries, gum under desks, first-year students being pushed into lockers, the usual. Even though people always say high school was the best years of their lives. I've never been able to understand it. This is the longest I've ever stayed in one place. It's always been back and forth from foster homes since they found me on the steps of a fire station. My current adoptive family is the best I've ever had. I knew my adoptive mother was hellbent on adopting after her diagnosis following the birth of her daughter. They were the only ones who gave a damn about my life. Even though they cared about me, I could never fully return the favor, not how I should have. I was scared everything would fall apart. Once her illness took her from us; it was just my father and sister Mikaela. Since her passing, he had been in and out of prison. It's always been me and her against the world when the world itself was against me.

"Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you'er up,"

My history teacher, Mr. Hosney, announced to the classroom, startling me. Out of all my classes, this one I never really liked. Sam Witwicky came from the back of the room, rushing up to the front of the class with his backpack. Sam was one of those kids no one talked to. We have a few classes together that I've had to work with him, and we have become friends over the years. He's been obsessed with Mikaela for as long as I can remember.

"Sorry, I've got a lot of stuff," the boy mumbled to the class while dumping the backpack's contents onto the podium. Mikaela and I share most of our courses. She was dating a dumb jock named Trent, who cared more about his car than my sister. She was sitting before me when I saw Trent lean in toward Mikaela slowly and whisper.

"Hey, watch this," She knew what he had planned, but instead, she nudged into him. When he looked away, she turned to me, giving me an annoyed look before looking back to Trent, smiling.

"For my fami-" Just as Sam began to speak, he shot him in the neck with a rubber band. Our unenthusiastic teacher shot up from his chair as Sam grasped at his neck. I give him credit. It was a good shot, but it doesn't make him any more likable.

"Who did...who did that? People! Responsibility," As the class followed into an awkward silence, Sam continued with his presentation.

"Okay, so for my genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. A very famous explorer, in 1897, took 47 brave sailors straight into the Arctic shelf, so that's the story right," he stated. Everyone seemed bored, which was entirely understandable. He was close to finishing his presentation as he started to dig in his pile of crap, pulling out multiple items like his great-great-grandfather's glasses and an instrument called a sextant and earning a chuckle from the room.

"Are you going to sell me his liver? Sam, this isn't show and sell; this is the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what you're doing," Mr. Hosney said, rolling his head back against his chair.

"I know, and I'm sorry, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay; I take PayPal, and cold hard cash works, to. And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day-" Sam started rambling to the point where I contemplated repeating what Trent did a few minutes earlier.


"Right, sorry. Unfortunately, the genius he was, he ended up going crazy. He started drawing these strange symbols and thought he had discovered some giant Iceman-" Before he could continue, he got cut off by the bell.

Like clockwork, all the students immediately grabbed their stuff and rushed out of the classroom.

"Okay, might be a pop quiz tomorrow, might not. Sleep in fear tonight," Mr. Hosney said.

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