Chapter 16: Monique

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Lauren p.o.v

I stared at the girl as she walks into the store. I got out of my car and followed her in there. I watched as I'm guessing her husband grabbed a cart. They walked down the aisle.

I grabbed a basket and followed them, not making it obvious. I can't believe I let her get away, after all these years she still walks on this earth, and I was never fine about it. But now that I know that her daughter is in my wife's classroom it's really bothering me.

She could be planning something.

I put something in my basket as the two separated after 30 minutes of being next to each other.

I walked closer to the girl and then came in front of her and waved my hand in front of her to see if she was really blind, and she was.

I stared at her examining her face, she looks the same, her features just matured a little. Not wanting her to know I was there I moved out her way.

"I see we meet again" I stopped in my tracks. Turning back to her she turns to me. I didn't say anything slowly backing away. "After all these years you still wear the same perfume"

If she remembers the perfume I wear, there's no doubt she remembers my voice. So I didn't say anything keeping my mouth shut. Not wanting to make things worse.

"Are you still doing what you're doing?" She asks "murdering innocent people or are you trying to turn over a new leaf" she walks closer to me. "What's wrong cat your tongue?" I clench my jaw not wanting more but to wrap my hands around her neck and take her last breath.

My phone rings, I quickly took off walking from her placing the basket down and going back to my car. I looked down at my phone and cut off the alarm.

Therapy in 30 minutes please go!

Was on my screen.

Y/n must have programmed it on my phone.

I pulled out the parking lot and drove down the street. If I don't go y/n will eventually find out and might leave me. But if I do go I'll have an even bigger problem with the therapist. I'm not trying to get diagnosed with something that I don't have.

I'm not mentally ill and the way y/n put it, made it seem like she's has no faith in me. Like she's genuinely don't trust me at all.

I pulled into another parking lot and just sat there for a good 30 minutes. I stared at the building before huffing and getting out the car.

Fuck it.

I walked inside and went to the receptionist. "Hi, I'm here to see Miss. Brooke" the girls turns to me. "Do you have an appointment?"

" name is Lauren Jauregui" she nods typing something in the computer. "Ok take a seat she'll be right there with you" I nodded walking to the waiting area and sitting down.

I waited there for about 5 minutes before the girl leads me to a room. I walked inside to see a shirt woman. She turns to me with a bright smile. "Hi, you must be Lauren y/n wife I'm Miss. Brooke but you can call me Ally" I smiled at her. "Hi nice to meet you". I shook her hand.

"Take a seat, how about we start with you tell me a little about yourself yeah?" I sat down as she did too. Licking my lips she fixed her glasses on her face.

"Um well I'm 33 years old, I'm married to Y/n and I that's all I'd like to say?" She nods "ok how did you and y/n meet?"

"We both ran into each other while hiking" she nods "and how long have you guys been together?"

"We've been together for going on 4 years now"

"Ok so why do you think y/n made this appointment for you?" I avoided eye contact with her and shrugged "I don't know"


Y/n p.o.v

"Why are we drinking at 1 in the afternoon?" I asked chuckled sipping the drink that Dinah had poured me not too long ago. "Because it's our weekend off to just have fun! It's been a while since we just chilled out, walked around with no pants on and had fun. Camila is fucking married to a billionaire-"

"Which I regret doing!" The brunette says as she painted her toenails. "And you're married to Lauren and about to start a family"

"Doubt that" I mumbled. "And I'm ready to settle down too, but I also just want to have fun. So drink up and get drunk with me!"

"I can't drink," Camila says we look at her "why not?"

"Yeah, why not? It's not like you to turn down a drink" she sighs "I'm pregnant" she rolls her eyes raising up her stomach, which was still flat. Her abs were still visible. "That stupid fuck impregnated me. And now my body that I worked really hard for is going to be ruined, and my free time is going to be gone!" She says not looking happy at all.

"Congratulations Mila, look on the good side and you're bringing another living being on this earth," I say with a slight frown. Kinda jealous that I'm not the one giving out the news that I'm pregnant.

"What's the good news?" I rolled my eyes at the girl. "I'm gonna be fat! and no one is going to look at me the same!" She groans "at least you're going to somewhere with your marriage" I mumble.

"Well y/n and I will get drunk together" Dinah winks at me. I smiled at her not wanting to get drunk but also not wanting to say no to her and hurt her feelings.

"Can we at least get some sparkling cider so I can pretend that I'm drinking" we chuckled at Camila "Sure"........

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