1: We Fight all the Time

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" Steve's voice rose up.

"We mean that we'll split in two teams, Team Iron and Team Captain and then everyone according to their choice can move into which group they want to move to. Then, we'll leave. This is all built by Tony, so only Team Iron will stay here. We'll make another tower, far away from here, in Wakanda for Team Captain. After that neither of us will ever contact eachother until some universal monstrosity occurs" Vision explained as calmly as possible.

"Are you guys crazy?" "Are you guys gone mad?"
Both Steve and Tony stood up and yelled together.

Their eyes met for a split second and then Tony spoke up "We're a team for a reason, you all. We dont split up just because of a fight or two"

"We're suppose to stand tall and together. Me and Tony. We fight all the time!" Steve continued.

"Well, even if you do. It's getting on our nerves. Two days ago, it was just the breaking out for me. I was nearly going to hulk out!" Bruce spoke up.

"Alright. I've a better option. How about we leave Tony and Steve to talk about it all and come to a final decision themselves? Yeah?" Pietro suggested as everyone else nodded in agreement.

Steve and Tony just looked at one another. In a room. Again? Alone!

"We'll do it" Tony said. He would do anything to keep the group together.
"Yes, we will" Steve added on. He could never see his avengers unassembled.

The others left the room and then almost in an instant, black shutters came down from all sides of the glass room cowering them both in an abyss of isolation with just the presence of eachother to accompany them.

"You shouldn't have said that, Stark. It picked all points in me and you knew that" Steve was the first one to speak.

"Yeah, Rogers and I was completely fine with whatever you said, right?" Tony snapped back sarcastically "Do you even know? Do you even know how much pain your words caused me? Telling me that I do all of this for publicity!? Steve Rogers, years from now, when I first revealed my heart aka the Arc reactor to OB, the man i looked up at as another father. He took it away from me for that! I was paralysed and left to die! Publicity, you say, huh? I turned off all my ammunition production just because I saw what bad it was bringing to the world. The business that was bringing me billions every second of the day! And huh, you say I do it for publicity!" Tony was huffing by now as Steve looked shocked. He never knew any of this. He was always told, Tony shut dowm his weapon works because apparently he declared that with his suite, he had privatized world peace. He didn't know that he had all the right reasons, guilt to do so "And yes, Cap! I accept. I agree I was wrong to say all of that to you, I know it pricked all points of pain in you but did you even for once think, what went out on me when i was reminded of my near death! What went out on me when i was reminded of the father-like figure that tried to kill me! Cap, you might have lost a lot of people in your life but have you ever been betrayed by every single one you thought was close!" By now Tony was shivering on the ground as he sobbed. All of the memories coming back to him. How much he tried to clear every wrong that could've been done with those weapons he built.

Steve who was also in tears was so done now, so done. How could he!? He stepped closer to Tony, slipping besides him, taking him in his embrace "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Tony" he shispered in his hair.

"I tried, Steve. I tried so hard to make everyone forget. Forget that once all the good i tried to do was used to establish all the bad. I tried. I tried so hard" Tony cried in his Captain's arms.

"I know you did. Shhh" Steve tried to calm him down. After ten minutes that seemed like an hour, Tony finally rose his head from Steve's chest as Steve looked down at him.

They were so close.

Tony's eyes flickered between Steve's eyes and lips and the same scenario was happening with Steve. And then, in the blur of the moment, their lips were connected. The long lost brains of confusion finally gave up as the hearts in love rejoiced. Fireworks flew and souls celebrated the two lovers union.

As they parted for air, Steve finally said it "I love you, Tony. I love you so much. I've always wanted to say it but i just couldn't. That's why i fight so much with you to fight within me, what I've for you"  Steve shook his head, his tears dropping on Tony's face as he smiled.

"Goddamn. You stole my speech! Those were all of my reasons" Tony said to him as they chuckled "I love you too, Steve" Tony confessed back as Steve looked breathless.

"Really?" He said.

"Why, is there any doubt?" And with those words, Tony leapt back in Steve's lap, their lips rejoined.
"Finally" Pietro sighed in relief as he placed his head on Clint's shoulder who kissed his head back.

"Good job, Wanda" Natasha and Bruce left from there, smiling, hand in hand.

"Good job, love" Vision kissed Wanda.

"I'll just, uh, go practice then, i guess?" Thor said awkwardly seeing all lovey dovey stuff happening in front of him.

"I'll join you" Loki quickly said feeling more of disgusted than awkward, yknow, he was an inhuman God after all.

And with that, they all lived happily ever after!


Ah! My first Stony OneShot! My first Gay, oneshot! How was it y'all? Do give your feedback! Thank you for reading my book. I'm always open if you want to request something?


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