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January 4th

Hoseok POV

Hell ok, I can barley go a day without texting you. I was tempted to text you like five hours later but I resisted cuz I thought I would annoy you.
I want to talk about this...what I'm hiding...over FaceTime.

You wouldn't annoy me. You came back when you were comfortable.
Well that's surprising. Lets do it.

Yeah let's FaceTime passive aggressive Hobi.

Let's actually do it on FaceTime though because Instagram can suck an ass when it comes to calls. 
4:38 pm

If I say FaceTime, obviously I mean FaceTime. 🤦‍♂️

Incoming FaceTime from Moonboy💜🥰

Answer | Decline


I saw the face of Tae in front of me, he looked as he was sitting in his bedroom. He was wearing a grey zip up hoodie, with a white T-shirt underneath. I noted how his brown hair was brush smoothly and seemingly perfect.

"I told you, you would look handsome." I threw out the compliment, even if I knew that's not what we were here to discuss.

"Thanks." He nervously nervously fixed his hair. "I guess I should tell you why I didn't want to do this in the first place." 

"Yeah, go on." I replied as he looked at the camera.

"Not all the bruises are from ice skating..." he paused, and bit his lip.

"Your parents?" I whispered. He shook his head "no" in response.

"No, there's this kid at school." He sighed. "This kid at school that physically abused me. Beats me up, how ever you want to put it. Last time- last time I tried to defend myself and things went worse. It was before winter break, and no one found out about it. I tried I really did." I furrowed my brows out of anger. Tears started to fall down his face.

"No, no it's ok. Don't cry. I'm not mad at you for trying to defend yourself. I'm angry at whoever is beating you up. Wipe away those tears for me." I looked at his sorrowful eyes. It pained me to see him like this.

He wiped away his tears, as I said. "Hobi it goes deeper than that. I have to wear make up to coverup bruises and-" he paused again.


"I'll just show you." He got up, taking his phone with him to his desk and sat it down on his desk. He placed it sideways, using his pop socket I remember he had. I saw him open up a drawer, and got out what looked I be makeup wipes. He slowly wiped away the make up that was on his face, revealing his natural skin tone. After a few minutes he picked the camera back up, so it was once again vertical. I noticed faded bruising on his face.

"You see this." He pointed at his cheek, which had a visible scar "He cut my face with one of those box cutters. It really hurt, those things are sharp." He traced the large scar with his finger.

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