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Happy 4th! Hope y'all are having a good day, here's a gift.


The next day was the same as before and before he knew it, Bucky and the other two were already packing the little bit of belongings they had in the old car Sam drove.

After conversing with Tony and Natasha, it was agreed upon that the men would stay in a hotel in that town paid for by Tony until he can send a trusted team to go get them.

So every one said their good byes minus the ex-assassin who hovered by the car until it was time to go.

For, what he thought was the last time, Bucky looked at Angie and nodded once as a goodbye before ducking into the car.

It was as if Bucky returned worse than when he arrived at Safe Haven.

The following nights were restless and nightmare heavy, it was sadly safe to say, good ole James Buchanan Barnes was miserable once again.


Marge went outside and sat in the old porch swing, enjoying the weather and the sight of the children playing outdoors.

Well, most of them were.

It has been about three days since the men left, and, unsurprisingly, Angie returned to her shell.

Currently, Angie was squatting on the ground in front of the rose bushes in front of the house.

Angie really didn't mind the loneliness, but she did miss Mr. Bucky. He was very nice and she loved it when he scooped her up and swung her over his shoulder.

Angie moved a bandaged pink hand forward to pick up a rolly poly. The black little bug almost blended in with Angie's bruised hand. It was a kaleidoscope of purples, blacks, yellows, greens and reds along with her natural skin color.

Every time Marge saw her hand, she flinched. Mr. Barnes sure had a deathly grip in that metal arm of his.

Marge observed the little girl with a missing arm move her hand in almost inhuman directions so she could keep track of the insect she found.

The time came where everyone had to get ready for bed and Marge noticed the knots growing in Angie's hair.

"Come inside, boys and girls! Lets start getting ready for bed!" Marge turned her attention to Angie, "I'll see you in the bathroom so I can brush your hair."

In a flurry of bodies, everybody went inside and got started on showers and other things for the next day.

Marge found Angie obediently standing in front of the mirror with her brush in ber ugly hand.

Mama gently grabbed it from her and began working on tne knots.

"Why did Mr. Bucky hurt me?" Angie broke the silence.

Marge inhaled, "Well, Mr. Rogers told me that a long long time ago, Mr. Barnes-"

"Mr. Bucky," Angie corrected.

"Yes, Mr. Bucky was hurt a lot, sometimes he still gets nightmares about the really bad things that happened to him. I don't believe Mr. Bucky meant to hurt you, honey its just that when you touched him, you scared him and he reacted to you."

"So Mr. Bucky doesn't hate me?"

"No, sweetie, I don't believe he ever did."

There was a pause.

"Then why did he leave me?" She asked in a soft voice.

Marge stopped brushing out the knot for a moment before answering, "Well, I think he left because he loves you. He didn't want to hurt you at all any more."

Safe Haven | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now