mr. bucky

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The car ride back to the house was quiet and comfortable. While the idea of the US government coming after them wasn't anything new, all three of them pondered in ways of escape safely.

Upon arriving in the private driveway of the house, Bucky noticed that it was quiet. No kids playing outside, no signs of life.

It wasn't until all three of them got off the car and walked up the porch steps did Marge come out.

"Sam? I thought you left already. Whats wrong, you said you weren't coming back." Marge asked with concerned eyebrows.

"What Marge, I can't say goodbye to my sister?" Sam said with a tried and defeated grin. "You can, but not without coming inside. I just made dinner, the kids should be coming on the bus by now." Marge spared one glance over her shoulder as she walked back up the steps.

As soon as the men entered, the aroma of food cooked to perfection hit their noses. It smelt of seasoned meat, chicken perhaps, with potatoes and cooked greens. As if on cue all their stomachs rumbled. That's when Sam remembered they didn't even eat breakfast.

"Oh, you guys sound hungry. I made a lot for lunch tomorrow but I think the kids will understand." Marge asked Steve to get the plates and set them out while Sam helped Marge pull the chicken from the oven and Bucky placed the silverware after Steve.

They worked in silence until yelling and calling for Mama Marge came from about a few yards from the entrance of the house, causing all four adults to turn their heads in that direction. All except three came running, thundering like a pack of wild dogs all barking Mama's name.  "Mama! Mama Marge, Angie's hurt! They pushed her-!"



"Mean boys!"

All clamored around Marge, surrounding her and pointing back outside the door where the oldest boy, Andre was leading a muddy Angie on one side and bruised Louie on the other. Andre was walking slowly at their pace as if the girl was still in shock or in pain. "What happened?" Marge broke through the circle of children and knelt down to Angie's level. Lily and Qui'Ziya answered the question, "We were just getting off the bus, right? Then that stupid, fat, bozo Ryan got up and ran to the front and pushed Angie in the mud puddle-" Morgan began and Qui'Ziya picked up from there.

"And then he got off and shoved her into the puddle again before any of us could do anything and then the bus driver told him to stop but he didn't-"

"And then Louie's dumb butt tried to save her and then Ryan beat him up as Andre got off his bus and stopped it!"

Marge's eyes softened as she looked at the two and gave Andre a nod of approval. His own eye was kind of dark and slightly swollen but that was it. "Elliot, get the shower ready for Angie," Marge began as she gently wiped the caked and smelly mud from Angie's eyes and nose. "Dustin get the first aid kit to clean up Louie." The two boys did as they were told when Marge stood up and turned her attention to Louie who was worse off than Angie. His face was bruised and bleeding slightly from his nose and a small cut to the chin and nose.

Bucky watched all this unfold as did the other two. Angie's sorrowful yet collected eyes landed on Bucky. The two stared at each other until Elliot came back downstairs to announce that the shower was prepared. Marge grabbed Angie's hand and led her up the stairs, her small muddy footprints behind her.

"Elliot, clean up Louie and Andre, get some ice for that bruise. Then the rest of you help Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes set up the table. Clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." Both older boys responded and did as they were told. Morgan, the girl who asked Steve if he was Captain America, went up the stairs behind them after a while.

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