soul eater

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Angie's eyes opened momentarily. She was safely tucked in bed surrounded by darkness and Morgan's steady breathing.

The last thing she remembered was Elsa crying on her frozen sister's shoulder before Angie's eyes became too heavy to keep open.

Now she was here, in her room, wide awake and well aware of the movement outside her door.

The footsteps sounded slow and heavy, and they were coming up the stairs. With each drop of a foot, Angie's fear came back until she mustered the courage to peek outside her doorway.

A large man was standing at the top of the stairs, but instead of turning into her room as she half expected, he turned the other direction and walked into Mr. Rogers room. Soon after, another man walked up a little faster and went into Mr. Wilson's room.

Unable to sleep now, Angie pushed back her covers with her legs and got out of bed. She found herself walking down the steps and out into the living room where Mr. Bucky was sitting on the couch.

Angie paused at the base of the stairs and looked out, waiting to see if there was a reaction. Eventually, Mr. Bucky turned his head and looked at her.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked softly, his deep voice oddly comforting Angie.

"No. Can I sit with you?" She whispered.

Bucky scooted to the side and gently patted the space next to him. Angie paused for a moment then she walked softly towards the sofa.

After situating herself next to him, they sat in a comfortable silence until he spoke, "Why couldn't you sleep?"

Angie scratched her knee and shrugged, "I think I slept too much. Why aren't you sleeping?"

This time it was his turn to shrug. "I stayed up so you wouldn't be lonely," he said. The answer was enough for her as she nodded and looked forward once again.

Sometimes one of them would wiggle a little on the couch, sometimes one of them would stand and stretch.

Finally, Bucky invited her to come outside with him.

Outdoors, the night was warm and hazy, the sound of crickets and rustling leaves surrounded them. The moon was full and very bright, as if God put a special spotlight in place just for them.

Each sat in their own space on either side of the stairs, silent or asking each other how they were doing every ten minutes.

Finally, Angie glanced over at the very dark field about a hundred yards away from the house. She squinted and rolled on her hips toward the field.

Because of his training, Bucky also began to look and observe the meadow. When he couldn't see anything he leaned over to Angie, "What is it?"

With a big, beautiful grin on her face, she turned to him. "C'mon, I wanna show you something!" She said a little loudly than the soft voices they were using.

Bucky grimaced and whispered at her to keep it down or else they'd wake the whole house, but Angie was so excited, she practically leaped off the porch and grabbed his flesh fingers.

"Let's go! C'mon I wanna show you!" She whispered loudly. "What is it?" He asked as he leaned forward with Angie's pull and stood up. She giggled softly, "Its a surprise."

Bucky allowed himself to be lead by the hand to a gate across the driveway that lead to the back to Elliot's shed. There was a gate he never noticed before, but Angie went straight to it in the dark and reached in the wire holes to open it.

With a loud moan, the wood gate swung open and Angie rushed inside where she kept herself away from thr thigh high grass.

"Careful, baby doll, don't go too far or else I can't keep an eye on you," the entire phrase came pouring out of his mouth without him meaning to. As Bucky started speaking, Angie paused and looked at him to listen. Her response was a soft, "Okay!" And she spun around and kept jogging to a certain place where the grass was getting thicker and taller.

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