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Diane stood from her seat on the couch when she heard the door swing open, she could've sworn she heard the hinges break off. Her eyes trailed Angie's fleeting form as she ran to... who's that?

Marge willed her tears to stay in her eyes, letting her smile do all the talking. Mr. Barnes barely had time to close the car door and get down on one knee when Angie flew into his arms, the momentum almost caused him to fall back. But he didn't, he caught her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, june bug, I'm back," he whispered and Bucky picked her up and like the night he carried her to her room, she clung to him. His flesh arm supporting her bottom, his metal arm gently touching her back as he carried back into the house. Never before had he been filled with such joy, his heart was about to burst from happiness. The back of his eyes burned, his eyes began to smart.

Her little body began to shake with silent sobs of joy as she rested her tearful face in the crook of his neck, her singular arm around the other side of his shoulder.

Sam greeted his sister, a bag with a big, party size bucket of chocolate ice cream in his hand.

"I've never seen her this happy before. She's crying with joy," Marge's voice cracked as she followed the two into the living room.

Angie didn't let Bucky go until he patted her back and carefully removed his hand from under her. Slowly, she let go just enough to slid down, her hand clutching onto his shirt.

Diane stood stock still in the corner of the living room. Who was this man? Why did he have a metal arm? Why was Angie not scared of him the way she was?

"Diane," Marge sniffed and cleared her throat, "Diane this is James B. Barnes. He's..." She paused and looked with uncertainty, "He's my brother's friend. And this here is my brother, Samuel Thomas Wilson." Marge said with a proud smile.

"Aw, Marge do you have to tell everyone my middle name?" Sam protested with a fake look of annoyance.

Diane cleared her throat and stepped forward with a trembling hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm Diane Ramsey, Angie's aunt."

Sam shook her hand, Bucky extended his metal hand before catching himself and switching to his flesh one. Diane blinked rapidly as she switched her hand to the opposite one to shake hands.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," Diane offered an awkward smile, waving a strained wave and tiptoed around Bucky.

"Let's talk outside, Diane." Marge motioned towards the front door and Diane almost eagerly followed her.

"I don't think Angie likes me," Diane admitted with a heavy heart.

"Not once has she refused to get to know people, despite her history with abuse. Angie's got a big heart that's heavily guarded, she takes a while to warm up to people, that's all," Marge's words were wise and warm, giving Diane hope that maybe someday she could connect with her estranged niece.

"You think so?"

"I know it. You're just gonna have to be patient and wait." The older black woman smiled gently at Diane. The young woman was that; young and new to the world. If she hopes to grow a relationship with Angie, Marge hoped it will be a healing experience for them both.

Marge and Diane bade goodbye and as soon as her car turned down to the road, Marge walked back to the house.

Before she got close to the door, laughter was heard inside, making the home seem warm and inviting again.

Especially since the loudest laugh of the all was Angie's.

"Marge," Sam called, beating her to the door. "Marge, I need to talk to you."

Safe Haven | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now