meet Diane (unedited)

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When Angeline and Marge stepped out of the terminal, Ms. Coleman and a kind looking woman with jet black hair and warm brown eyes smiled kindly at them. Instinctively, Angie pulled back and let go of Marge's hand to hide behind her.

"Glad you made a safe flight, Ms. Wilson." Ms. Coleman said as they shook hands. Miss Ramsay politely shook Marge's hand, however, she was concerned with Angie's anxious behavior.

Now, Mary did warn and inform her that her niece was missing an arm, but seeing it for herself made it difficult to not stare and cry. She knew her brother was mean, but never in her wildest dreams did she think he was capable of the heartlessness evident through Angie's nonexistent right arm.

After formalities were said and done, Marge sidestepped so Angie could greet the women. However, Angie moved like Marge's shadow, refusing to leave the sanction of the only woman that has ever shown love to her.

"Let's leave the airport, shall we? We can go to my place to talk," Diane recommended. Marge and Mary Coleman agreed.

Soon, after their luggage was located, they were all packed in Diane's Prius and headed down the bustling city streets until they arrived at a large, bricked apartment complex.

After asking the front desk to send a bellboy for assistance, the three women and the girl went up to the fifth of seven floors. Following Angie's aunt a few doors down the hall from the elevator, they arrived at a slightly messy and home-like unit.

The entrance of the house was a small hall before turning and seeing the rest of the house. To the left of the entrance, there was the living room. A wide and tall window covered most of the wall had brown curtains drawn shut to block out the bright sun.

In front of the window, two couches sat adjacent to each other and a huge, flatscreen tv sat mounted against the wall. A few feet from the back of the couch was the black breakfast bar where three brown and white stools were stuffed under. On the other side of the bar was a sizeable kitchen, the rugged looking walls lined neatly with kitchen utensils and small pots and pans.

"It's not much, but my roommate recently left and I have an extra guest room." Diane smiled a small and awkward smile as she shut the door behind the social worker and the caretaker. Angie subconsciously stepped away from Marge and stayed an arm's length away as she studied the new room around her.

"It's nice," Marge commented politely. A small smile on her face showed her bona fide admiration for Diane's home.

"Um, I'll set some stuff here so I can sleep here for the night. I made the guest room if you or Angie want to sleep there. My room is made too so..." Diane trailed off and slid her hands in her back pockets. "Thank you, Miss Ramsay, its fine. If need be, Angie can sleep with me."

At the sound of her name, Angie glanced back only to realize she had wandered farther than she thought. She quickly rushed back to Marge just as Diane suggested that they settle in before heading to the diner down the street.

Diane opened the door to Abby's Diner and held it open to let Marge and Angie go in first. Soon they found a booth next to a window showing the bustling street life as they got their menus to order. Diane couldn't help but stare at her niece. She peered over the top of the menu with curious eyes as she studied little Angie. She herself was resting her head on Marge's bent arm, her head tilted back so she was looking down at the menu. Marge muttered a few things to her and she nodded.

Diane was so lost in thought, she flinched when Angie's eyes darted up to her. With heat rushing her neck, she looked down at her own menu and pretended to scan it while mentally chasting herself. Thankfully a waitress came by in a cute, 40's inspired outfit painted with bright red lipstick and pinned up hair.

"Good evening, what can I get you gals to eat?" she asked, flipping out her notebook ready to take the order.

"I would like an iced tea with a hamburger," Marge replied first with a warm grin as she closed her menu and handed it to the waitress. "I'll have strawberry pop with a hamburger as well, thank you," Diane said next, also handing her menu to the lady. Angie shifted in her seat and lifted the sleeve of the shirt to scratch her stub, not looking at the woman in the eye. The waitress noticed this, "What about you, sweetie? What do you want to eat?" She bent over to be more at Angie's level.

"Go on, Angie. Tell her what you would like to eat," Marge nudged her shoulder gently. Angie visibly swallowed and opened her mouth, "Chicken..."

"What was that, honey?"

"Chicken nugg..." she trailed off again.

The waitress furrowed her brows, shy to ask again. "She would like some chicken nuggets, fries, and some milk," Marge answered. The woman straightened and scribbled the order down, "Alright, I'll be back in a while with your order."

As soon as the waitress left, the awkwardness set in. Marge didn't really seem to do anything to help as it was Angie's time with her aunt. So Diane started it, "Angilene? Do you know who I am?" She shook her head. "What do you know about me?" Angie stayed silent for such a long time, Diane feared she may have pushed too far.

However, Angie opened her mouth to talk. "You know John. And you want to meet me."

Diane, who was leaning forward, sat back. She glanced at Marge who was already studying her. "You're right. I do know your father. And I do want to meet you. Angeline, I'm your aunt, your dad's sister." She explained, hoping it would cause Angie's emotionless face to express something. It didn't. Angie barely moved as she was practically hidden behind Marge's big arm. Diane sighed and put her hands on the table as she turned to face the window.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to bring John's daughter here. Maybe she shouldn't have interfered.


Expect another chapter with Bucky soon!

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Safe Haven | B. BarnesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora