home sweet home

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Steve swallowed a sigh and stole a glance at Bucky on the other side of the wooden wall. The look of defeat was everywhere in his features. Slumped back, small frown, furrowed brows, sad, distant eyes.

"Your Honor, may I remind you that Mr. Barnes spent the last two and a half years on the run, without trying to find any help or reconnect with anyone. Any man that returns from anything that traumatic can and should be helped before being released back into society. Thank you, Your Honor," the prosecutor, one of the best on the Eastern Seaboard, sat down and looked smugly at Ms. Brown.

Agatha cleared her throat. The last thirty minutes, Mr. Dean built a pretty strong case against her client.

A small smile graced her face.

Now she was going to spend the next five dismantling it completley.

She rose, "Your Honor, may I remind you that Sergeant Barnes is a prisoner of war. Not just any prisoner of war-."

"Objection, Your Honor, misleading information."

Judge Marlow furrowed his brows. "State the reason."

"There are many prisoners of war, misleading to think that Mr. Barnes is different." The moment those words left his mouth, Mr. Dean frowned.

Judge Marlow chuckled, "Well, Mr. Dean, we are in the Supreme Court. Wouldn't you say that's unusual for any prisoner of war? Overruled."

"Thank you, Your Honor. As I was saying, Sergeant Barnes spent about seventy percent of his life as a pow. That's nearly five times as long as any other prisoner during World War II and any war that followed.

That means, he was forced to give up roughly sixty years more than the average pow, being manipulated, dehumiazed, and degraded for the sole purpose of becoming a weapon. Now, many of our own veterans, even the youngest one to date, has trauma killing other humans to defend his own country. Imagine what it was like for Sgt. Barnes to go and kill others, innocent or not, for years.

Yes, Sgt. Barnes can only remember what he's done, and then he is wiped from anything that could lay a moral conscience in his mind and heart. Yes, he was cold and a killing machine, but not by choice..."

Tony snuck into the room, and found a seat next to Steve. "Who's winning?"

"Don't know. Its opening statements." Steve said coolly through narrowed eyes.

"Hm. Hate this clown house."

"Well it was your idea-"

"You know what? If is bothers you this much, then feel free it leave and keep running."

Steve clamped his mouth shut after that.

"...As far as his fugitive behavior, let it be known to the courts that, until Capt. Rogers found him in Bucharest, Sgt. Barnes was living on his own, traveling from place to place, not hurting a single soul."

"Objection, Your Honor, pure speculation, no evidence so far."

Judge Marlow sighed, "Sustained."

Agatha frowned then continued. "Up until recent events, there have been no reported incidents that were caused by Sgt. Barnes. Thus, there is no reason to count his behavior against him.

Upon his release, and after the incident in Washington DC, it was claimed by my client that he had no wish to be found, instead he wanted to live a seculed life away from people in effort to recover lost memories. During that time, he has not harmed anyone as shown through investigation.

Now, knowing all charges were dropped against Capt. Rogers, it's in the records that Sgt. Barnes was brought along with Samuel Wilson to escape prosecution, and it wasn't entirely his choice either.

"Your Honor, this isn't a case of pointing fingers and blaming Sgt. Barnes for his actions. This is about whether or not Sgt. Barnes should be labeled as something he had no control over or if he is to spend the rest of his life in behind bars."

Steve droned out the rest of the case.

What a mess. He should've left Bucky in Wakanda, safe from the world's eyes.

But no. He insisted that Buck follow him around America. Why? Quite frankly, he's trying to figure that out himself.

Judge Marlow's voice caught his attention, "Both plaintiff and defense hearings are concluded. We will resume court next week," a mighty slam of the gavel and they were dismissed.

Bucky was led from the plaintiff section to the back where they would remove the handcuffs and let him outside.

Steve and Sam stood in a comfortable yet weary silence.

Day one of this stupid case and it was frustrating for Bucky. It was neither good not bad, at least with one of those he could find some sort of stability with it.


Bleh. I don't know what I'm doing any more guys...

But don't worry, more Angie and Angie and Bucky scenes coming soon!

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