the southern veteran

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Bucky bounced his leg, the chains rattling softly on his ankles. A strand of hair fell forward, interrupting his line of vision. The bouncing paused as the hair began to tickle his nose. Too bad he couldn't reach up to touch it, not with the jumpy guard and a room full wary defendants without chains. He leaned his head back and blew the strand away, wishing he added more gel.

Today was the day. Today, the new judge, Judge Jacobs, a war hero himself, would decide the verdict.

The judge took on the case after talk about Bucky recently causing damage and endangering the lives of those around him. For a heart stopping moment, he thought they found out about Angie and Safe Haven.

Yet another group of people whose lives he's ruined with  his presence. Sam refused to talk about the issue surrounding the Safe Haven, so that was another thing lingering in his mind.

However, they were talking about the time he and Steve and Sam were in Germany at the airport.

Bucky placed his elbows on his knees and leaned his weight on them. 

"You're the fella they want to convict as a terrorist?" A middle aged man asked to his right. 

Bucky looked up at him for a moment and nodded.

The man frowned and nodded slowly. "They're  supposed to reach the verdict today, ain't they?"

Again, Bucky nodded.

"What's your branch, son?" The man asked, his cowboy hat tipped up.

"Army, 107th Infantry." Bucky said after clearing his throat.

Again, the man frowned and nodded slowly, "I was in the Marines in 'Nam. You look old enough to have served in Iraq."

Bucky smiled listlessly, keeping to himself the fact that, legally, Bucky was old enough to have been his father. Should he tell him?

"Actually..." he began but stopped himself. "Actually, I served in the 107th in Europe during World War II."

The mans salt and pepper brows shot up to the brim of his hat. "Well, son, what's the secret? You look so young!" He chuckled.

Bucky offered a thin line of a smile. "You know, Captain America? He and I grew up together. What happened to him kinda happened to me so, we're both pretty old guys."

The man smiled a knowing smile. "I see. Well, I suppose I should call you sir, then?"

Bucky shrugged but said nothing.

"You haven't lived very long, have you? I mean, sure, you's young and all, but you have the look of someone who'd seen it all yet you're still new to the scary things of war. And you claim to have served in a war that occured over seventy years ago." The man sat up.

Tired, blue eyes looked up at the man. "Never did learn to deal with it. How'd you do it?"

"Do what? Get over it?" Another chuckle came, a humorless one this time, "It's been almost forty years since I left the marines, and I still get nightmares of the floatin' bodies around the ship, the smell of gun smoke and the sound of M16s going off before we could see the light of day. But, it's not as bad. When I got home, I found me a beautiful wife and a few war dogs that I befriended overseas. They really helped me pull through. But, it wasn't until I had my daughter did things really change for me. I couldn't let myself go through the episodes while she was around, so, I wrote in a journal when I felt those feelings comin' back. Some friends I know opted to talk about it with people they trust. Others do things to keep their minds off it. It depends on you, son. Uh, sir, I mean."

Bucky hummed in thought and nodded slowly. Before he could say a word, a bailiff knocked on the door and opened it, "Barnes v United States." With a heavy sigh, Bucky stood up, with each movement, the chains rattled and chortled like a live bond that laughed at his misfortune. The bailiff moved forward and grabbed the chains around his waist.

It was quite a sight to see, a well dressed man in a black button up with a matching pair of gray slacks and blazer shuffling in black dress shoes with chains as if he were in a jump suit. The man mused this thought bitterly. "Good luck, son," he muttered under his breath as Bucky's back disappeared behind the door.

Meanwhile, Steve, Sam and Tony were seated in the audience section of the courtroom. Steve's heart was pounding the way it did before an intense mission or briefing. It was so stupid of him to pull Bucky along with him. He should've taken up T'Challa's offer to let him stay in Wakanda. But, Steve pondered and he looked over to see Bucky lumbering respectfully to his seat next to Ms. Brown, this was something that was inevitable. Besides, had it not been for the one-armed girl back in California, Bucky would've never been at peace and willingly turn himself in for prosecution. Steve looked away from his pal and down at his lap. Maybe this was both a blessing and a curse.

"All rise, for honorable Judge Jacobs." The bailiff that led Bucky in announced and everyone stood. Well, Bucky tried to stand, a chain link got caught in the edge of the chair. Heat rose in his neck as the judge's eyes landed on him. Bucky was the first person he saw but he was standing lopsided as if he were bowing to aside. Great. The one day that determines his future and he looked like a dip. Ms. Brown cleared her throat lightly and sighed.

"Be seated." Everyone sat down and listened intently. "Today I reach the verdict for Barnes v. United States. Mr. Barnes?" Judge Jacobs peered at him over his glasses, earth brown skin wrinkling in the process.

"Yes, Your Honor?" Bucky stood, thankfully the link didn't get caught again.

"How should I rule this? We've spent weeks if not over a month discussing and arguing this case but," the judge paused and took off his glasses, black irises full of careful wisdom looking at Bucky, "What do you think, Mr. Barnes? If you were in my seat, what verdict would you give yourself? No bargains or deals, just a plain verdict."

Bucky blinked. All this time, he was guilty of the crimes he committed, the lives he took and destroyed, countries he threw into chaos over one action. Everything. That was the only right thing, in his mind.

But, Steve would argue with him, it wasn't your fault. You were aware and you were forced to remember what you did, not of your own accord, but with their's. You never chose this, Buck, it was forced on you.

"Mr. Barnes?" Judge Jacobs called him back to the present.

Bucky shifted his weight and stood tall. "I don't know your honor. Quite frankly it's something I'm struggling with myself, but, I do feel guilty." The silence in the room grew heavy.

"Elaborate," Judge Jacobs grabbed his chin and observed the broken man before him.

"I did commit all those acts, whether it was to my own will or someone else controlling me. I pulled the trigger, took the lives and secrets and gave it to those that were controlling me. Its only right that as I'm found guilty, not only will I have been justly accused but my handlers will also be found guilty. " Bucky's voice wavered at the last two words.

"I see. May I see the advocates from both sides please in my chambers?" The camera zoomed out slowly just as Mr. Barnes' lawyer and the opposing lawyer walked towards the back.

Marge clutched the spoon in her hand. What will happen now? Mr. Barnes certainly did something with those words as weak as they were. The woman stuck to the TV like glue. It was lunchtime and the kids were at school again. By the time they came back, Mr. Barnes would either be a war criminal or a war victim.

Either way, he won't look good anyway.

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