Secrets and Urinals

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Magnus's PoV
Alex is female
Magnus and Alex are not dating
Takes place a few months after Ship of the Dead

I knew something weird was going on when Mallory started whispering at dinner. Alex and I were the only people she wasn't letting in on the secret. It didn't help that everyone was discreetly stealing glances at us. Alex looked down at her hands and became silent. She really hated being left out. I felt bad for her.

When dinner was over I started back up to my room, but a hand caught my shoulder and pulled me into the stairwell next to the elevator. I turned to see Mallory gripping my arm, her face expressionless. I was angry.

"Mallory, what the hel? All throughout dinner you were-" Mallory shot me a glare that shut me up real quick. "Save it, sunshine." She growled. "You'd better not mess this up." Then she promptly punched me in the face, and everything went black.


Alex Fierro's PoV

I was furious by the time dinner was over. Mallory was being a jerk and whispering, apparently about me and Magnus, right in front of us. It had really upset me, because I had always kind of been an outcast in life and people often talked about me behind my back.

I was grateful for Magnus, who had given me a few reassuring looks when he could tell I was feeling left out. After dinner, I walked towards the elevator without saying goodbye. I was angry with everyone for not telling me what was going on. Halfborn stopped me before I could even leave the dining room.

When I turned around, he chuckled, smiling, and said, "Sorry Fierro. You'll thank me later." Then he knocked me out.


Magnus PoV

I woke up next to Alex Fierro, my head spinning in pain. Not that I was complaining. My gaze shifted to Alex. She was lying on her back on the tiled floor, her green hair splayed out like a lions mane. She was so beautiful when she slept. I resisted the urge to stroke the side of her face, run my fingers through her silky hair. With my luck she'd snap awake and slice my hand off.

From what I could see, we were in some dark little room. I fumbled around, sliding my hand across the wall. I found a light switch and flipped it on. I gasped when I realized we were in a men's restroom. Whoever put us here clearly didn't care that Alex was female right now. I noticed a piece of paper taped to the door. I peeled it off and read it:

Magnus and Alex,
You idiots have been dancing around the truth for TOO LONG. Tell each other your secrets and we'll let you out. If you escape somehow, we'll just do this again.

XOXO, Mallory

Great. I did know what secret she was talking about, and I had never planned on telling it to Alex. She didn't love me back, it was impossible. What was I gonna do?

Alex's PoV

When I woke up, the first thing I laid eyes on was a very handsome angel. Wait, never mind. It was Magnus. Whatever, same thing. I took in our surroundings and wrinkled my nose.

"Ew, we're in a bathroom." I looked around, noticing the urinals.
"A men's bathroom. I'm female right now, I'm not supposed to be here." Magnus turned to face me. 

He smiled. Gods, he had the cutest smile.

"Alex, you're finally awake. I don't know what to do." He looked flustered, and he was blushing a little. I cocked my head and shot him a quizzical look.
"What's going on?" He wrung his hands. "Yeah, about that..."

He proceeded to explain about Mallory punching him, the note on the door, and the frustrating fact that the door would not open. It was a simple swinging door, but when I tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. I frowned.

"It feels like a Jotun is leaning against it." Magnus chuckled.
"I know. I have no idea what Mallory could have put there to keep it closed." I thought for a minute. "Maybe Hearth used a rune."

Magnus's eyes lit up. "He probably did. Why didn't I think of that?" 

I laughed at him and turned my attention to the note.

I thought about what secret Mallory could be talking about. Then it dawned on me. She wanted me to admit my massive crush on Magnus. That was NOT going to happen.
"Well this is simple." I said. "Just tell me your secret and we're home free."

"Are you kidding me?? No way!"

"Well I'm not telling mine."

"So we're stuck here forever? We have to do something, Alex."

Then I thought for a minute. What could Magnus's secret even be? Maybe it was... the same as mine? It made sense. I hoped he wouldn't kill me for this, but I had to know.

"Let's both say it on the count of three."

Magnus eyed me suspiciously. "Okay."

We counted together. "One... two... three."

"I love you," Magnus blurted out. 

I stayed silent.

Sorry I took longer than usual to update, I got a little case of writers block. But anyway, here it is! There will be a part two, so stay tuned. Or, read on, if you're reading this in the future when I've published more of it. 

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