Chapter fifteen: Poison

Start from the beginning

"Just ignore them, and don't stare." Rey whispered lowly. We walked into the canteen, it was hard to hear anything over the noises that were coming from everyone sitting around.

I let my eyes lazily gaze around, there were people in the corner making sly trades, creatures swarmed around a table that was cluttered with chips and cards, showing that they were playing poker. I glared at a large snail-like thing that was stroking a girls upper thigh, she was barely wearing any clothing, she had a chain around her neck. I grimaced and looked away.

"I don't see him." I said to Rey, who only nodded, we got further into the canteen, sweat started to collect at the base of my neck as the crowd got thicker.

I let out a yelp as I narrowly avoided a blue liquid drink being spilt on me.

"Watch out!" She yelled at me, shoving past me. I bit back a snarky reply, electricity sparking at my fingertips. Suddenly there was a sharp prick at my leg, I winced, stumbling back, I saw the things sharp green tale slither away from my leg, it had just stung me! Blood dripped down my leg, it didn't hurt that much, so I ignored it.

"Little green lizard things, they are quite the pesky devils." Rey murmured, pushing through the crowd that was only thickening.

Suddenly the door swung open and a quite settled across the canteen. The sound of stormtroopers marching sounded throughout the newfound silence.

"We are here for Rey of Jakku and Aerolynn Edina." They said, there automated voices sending shivers down my spine, the last time I had seen a stormtrooper was in the Hangar, right before I was knocked out and brought to the Resistance base.

I was frozen, Kylo had found me, how had he found me? I seemed to be stuck in an immobile position, I couldn't even open my mouth to say anything. Rey gripped at my arm and pulled me behind the counter. She pressed a finger to her lips, shushing me.

"Someone must have seen and reported us." She said, "I can hear it in someone's thoughts, all of them are so loud, though, that I can't tell who." She perked her head up over the counter as we heard someone else come into the canteen.

"Have you found them?" He asked, I peered over the counter as well and I saw a tall man, he was pale and dressed in all black, his hair was the color of a carrot... Hux. I nearly slammed my head into the granite counter, of course it was Hux.

"No, sir, we haven't." The trooper asked, shrinking away from the angry man. Hux's face turned a slightly purple shade, and his upper lip quivered in anger.

"Well get to it, you big buffoons. Whoever summoned us told us she'd be here, along with that little scavenger girl, so go find them!" He said, before starting to walk forward and scan the crowd himself, he shoved aside people, not caring for gentleness.

Suddenly Rey took my forearm into her hand and dragged me forward, we ducked behind a curtain that was just behind the counter, and fled through a door that was a back exit. We were suddenly back outside and into the sands of Tatooine.

Rey dragged me along so that we were running forward, kicking up sand that sliced at my shins. I pumped my arms at my sides, my legs burning along with my lungs. The buns that Rey put in my hair bounced against my skull angrily. I snuck a glance behind us and saw General Hux staring at us angrily as we feld away, he started to bark angrily at his troops, pointing at us.

Blaster shots pinged around us, making me flinch. I nearly screamed as one sliced across my arm, ripping the fabric and singing the skin. But I continued to run, struggling to keep up with Rey. She grew up running, she was a pro at this, me on the other hand, I was stumbling along after her, my lungs feeling like they had shrunk to the size of a pea.

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