Scene 7 - A Message from Cutex

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We are back on Cutex. The planet remains the same. The plants sway in the wind. The stone hut remains intact. Nothing has changed. The TARDIS is beginning to materialize in the exact same spot. They have arrived. The TARDIS doors have opened. The Doctor and Sarah have arrived. Carrying the Orb, the Doctor takes care handling the delicate object. It still continues to glow and brighten, flashing as the Orb knows it is returning home.


We're not going to get attacked by the plants this time, are we?


No. The Virus was possessing them as well.


And the Orb is glowing because we are returning it.


Quite, Sarah. You know, I had forgotten how beautiful this planet is. And it should stay that way. No big transporters dumping their waste on their home planet, or humans blowing up nuclear power plants.

They approach down the passage, returning down towards the stone hut. The energy still glows and swirls in the containment of the Orb.

Well, let's get this over with.

The Doctor carefully takes the Orb over, gently placing it in the holder prepared for him.

Come along, Miss Smith. Time we left. Perhaps we should come back here one day.

The Doctor places his arm around Sarah as they both wander back off slightly before Sarah turns around surprised.


The orb! It's gone.

It had gone! Vanished! The Doctor turns back around, and he and Sarah advance back on where the Orb was. A voice booms out from somewhere.


Do not be afraid. It is safe here with me.


And you are, sir?


I am Cutex.


Where are you? Why can't we see you?


You can't see me, Doctor. I am not the planet itself. I am the Orb, the energy inside.


So, where did you go?


To my planet.


Your planet? To the plants and wildlife here?


Correct, child. Doctor, I am transmitting through your telepathic circuits of your TARDIS. I would like to thank you for your protecting me against the Virus.


My pleasure. I was assigned by my own people to help protect you.


I am gratified.


I suppose there is just one thing left. How do you know about this Virus, or what else you understand about it?


The Virus was a mutation of my own. I had to exert it. Generating itself and growing into something else. Something hostile to me. I could not defend myself from it. Therefore, I had to called the Time Lords.


Do you think we have stopped it, forever?


Only time will tell, Sarah. Goodbye. And thank you.

The voice finally stops.


Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.


I think we have done our duty here, Doctor.


Quite right, Sarah. Onwards?




To planet Florana.

The Doctor puts his arm back around Sarah, wandering around along the passage.

Florana. One of the most beautiful planets in the universe. A planet carpeted with warm perfumes, seas like warm milk and e effervescent, with beach golden seas, and sands as soft as swan's down, and streams with water as clear as crystal. Come along, Sarah.

They close the doors of the TARDIS. Dematerializing moments later. The TARDIS was off on its next journey...


#(End credits)

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