Scene 3 - Breaking in

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Once again, some time has now passed. Conway's shift had finished well before now. We are back at UNIT HQ. In the lab, the Doctor exits the TARDIS, returning to the desk. He carries some circuits and wires with him so obviously is making some sort of repairs. The Brigadier enters once again, almost as though he bursts in, carrying an important file.


Good afternoon, Doctor.


Ah, Lethbridge Stewart!


And what are you up to now?


Some of the circuits overloaded in control panel 2 when Sarah and I were off on Cutex. I'm just repairing them now.


Even now you are still fiddling and tinkering around with your ship. Even well after you had the opportunity to return to explore the universe.


My TARDIS is a very delicate thing, Brigadier. It requires a lot of thought and attention. And mind you, it was probably the Time Lords up to something else again.


Yes, well what I wanted to show you was the report on Daniel Conway issued from the Space Centre and his new job at Blephasol Transporters. I thought you would like to read it.

The Doctor almost snatches the file and begins reading through it.


Good grief!


Yes, I thought you would be surprised.


So they reckon that the cause behind the disaster was an electrical circuit and power overload? Mmm, well I doubt whether they should have fired Conway.


I feel just the same. It was totally out of his control.

The Doctor continues reading through the file, now reading the section about Conway's new job.


Blephasol Transporters.


That's the new company that transports chemicals and resources in large tankers.


Yes, Brigadier. I can read that from the report.

He shuts it and then hands it back to the Brigadier.

Well, it's a good thing he made a quick recovery. You know, I can't help feeling sorry for Conway. He was a nice chap, suffered a terrible accident, has nobody to talk to anymore, lost his job and his entire career. Couldn't you have recruited him as a new member of UNIT?


That was out of my power, I'm afraid. Although UNIT or any other organization in this country has demands and skills in the same way the British Space Centre does.


Very well.

The Brigadier then departs but stops when the Doctor suddenly calls him again.

Oh, by the way you haven't seen Sarah around or anything?


I thought she was with you.


Or, where the Orb of Cutex has gone?


Last I saw of it was with you. Perhaps it is in the TARDIS.


Well I've tried there Brigadier.


Well, as you say Doctor, the TARDIS is dimensionally transcendental. So, you have a big place to search for a small wooden box.

The Brigadier then leaves, making the Doctor frustrated again. Conway has been able to hunt down UNIT HQ. He has come to the storage bay of the building. Sneaking around the back, his eyes once again turn green, with the energy still buzzing in his eyes. With two sets of windows, he prepares to smash them – with no thought of breaking the authority. A UNIT soldier comes by, who has followed him.

Private Meddings:

Excuse me sir, can I help you?


Yes. I think you can be useful.

Private Meddings:

Do you have a pass, sir?


A pass? Oh yes.

He steps over, putting his hand in his pocket, pretending to fetch out his pass. Swinging his arm out, he strangles the Private! He struggles to break the arm off. The energy in the possessed Conway's eyes spin rapidly. The Private fights for air, and finally with one massive crunch – his next is broken. He was now dead. Conway immediately proceeds. Kicking down the window, he marches in. Conway was possessed – now a superhuman! He can see the Orb of Cutex. Conway makes no time to waste. The eyes you can see have the power. Once he reaches the container featuring the Orb of Cutex, he stands over the solid container. He directly punches through it. Sirens boom. Smiling creepily, he places both hands on the Orb. It glows and fries.

Now! I am Conway. You know me, really. And you are mine!

The Orb stops reacting powerfully. Snatching it, he makes a run for it at the speed of a professional athlete. Just running out. Now, the Nano-Cloud Virus had the Orb of Cutex finally.

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