Scene 2 - Planet Cutex

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The planet Cutex itself. There is a stretch of sandy, tarmac passage. A dozen or so plants are littered across alongside, a wide variety of colours and shapes of flora and fauna. Most of the planet stretches out with these plants, a jungle-like planet. The passage leads into a shelter like a cave. It holds something beautiful. Golden, gleaming, delicately smooth, it holds a powerfully dangerous energy source, glowing inside it. This is the Orb of Cutex. Sat precious in the shelter, it would make anyone's eyes melt in attractiveness. A moaning sound begins to wind; the TARDIS begins to materialize. It lands on the passageway of the stretch. The view of the scanner on the other hand only gives out the view of the beautiful plants sat around the precious monument, like its very own supporters.


Come along Sarah.


Hey, you haven't explained what we are doing here in the first place.

The Doctor checks the instruments of the TARDIS, like the atmosphere and radiation levels to make sure it is safe outside.


I will show you. Once I've found it. And we have to take it back to Earth and protect it.

The TARDIS doors open. The Doctor then leaves, Sarah following behind. Outside, the Doctor takes a thorough, deep scan of the landscape before him; the trail and the collection of trees and plants.

Fascinating. It looks absolutely splendid here.


Wow. It's wonderful.


Well Sarah, a magnificent sight. In all my travels I haven't lived to witness such fine delicacy before.


So then Doctor, what are we looking for?


Come with me Sarah.

Both lead down the passageway, only to both freeze when they lock eyes on the Orb. It sits on the platform of rock; the circular source begins brightening further.


It's beautiful!


The Orb of Cutex.

The Doctor approaches it. It brightens as he closes, he knows how pretty it is, but the Time Lord can resist its strain.


This is what we have come looking for.


Right Sarah. The Time Lords need us to protect it and take it back to Earth.

The Doctor places both hands on the Orb. The energy brightens and begins scanning the Doctor via his hands and body. It reads him as a peaceful allie, and that the orb knows that he has been sent from the Time Lords to protect it as the Doctor strains when it identifies him.


What was it doing?


Communicating telepathically. It knows that I mean no harm and that I'm trying to protect it.

With great care, the Doctor takes the object and delicately places it in the pocket of his long, eccentric coat.


So, what are we protecting it from?

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind begins blowing, screaming loudly, almost deafening. The plants begin withering and slithering as the spinning ball of energy charges down onto the surface of the planet.


Quick, run for it Sarah!

Both charge back towards the TARDIS as the energy zooms down, charging towards them. Running speedily, they both make it back to the TARDIS quickly. When the Doctor opens the doors with the key, one of the vines wraps around Sarah's leg and dragging her to the floor screaming.


AH! Doctor! DOCTOR!

The roaring energy closes in! The Doctor immediately pulls out the sonic screwdriver, making the plants deafen and lose their grip on Sarah as the Doctor helps her back into the ship. The screaming fuzz of energy roars onto the Doctor – charging towards him. The Doctor closes the doors in time, as the energy tastes off some wood of the TARDIS. The ship them immediately dematerializes into thin air – only just.

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