Scene 7 - To the Space Centre

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UNIT HQ lab. Sarah Jane seems to be writing on the typewriter, obviously for her next report in her magazine. She concentrates hard, paying close attention and selecting her words carefully. The Doctor returns with a grand opening to the lab doors, seemingly cheerful.


Ah, there you are Sarah.


Hello Doctor. Been with the Brigadier?

The Doctor hums yes.


Sorting out those important files about Mike. And it felt like hours. By the way, Sarah, do you know where the Orb is? I am going to put it in the TARDIS for safekeeping.

Sarah was almost about to answer, when the Brigadier bursts in again, out of breath.


Doctor! We are needed at the Space Centre, urgently.


The Space Centre? The same international centre with the difficulty of the three astronauts and Recovery 7?


That's the one.


Right, we'll drive in Bessie.


Wait, that was the investigation about General Carrington, wasn't it?


Come along, Sarah.

Bessie is now seen, driven by the Doctor with Sarah, the Brigadier and Benton as passengers, speeding along the road to the centre. As the bar outside leading access into the complex is lifted to allow another vehicle to pass, Bessie's speed allows it to break regulations and accelerate through – without permission. Inside the centre itself, Professor Sword is sat leaning back in his chair trying to analyse the situation by himself. With so much stress, he seems as though that he can't take much more. Then, the Doctor and his friends arrive at the lift. The Doctor leads the way as they greet the Professor. Sarah takes a look around for herself, whilst the Brigadier and Benton follow the Doctor.


Doctor, this is the director of the space centre here, Professor Sword.

Professor Sword:

How do you do, Doctor. I have been waiting to relay my thanks for all the work you did here for the three astronauts.


Yes, we have no time for that now. Where is Professor Ralph Cornish?

Professor Sword:

Ralph is a close friend of mine. He resigned for reasons that I cannot explain.


Yes, I see. Well, you'll have to do then.

Professor Sword:

You know, I had such high expectations to meet UNIT's scientific advisor. I did not expect to be insulted or aggressed by a dandy.


Doctor, Professor, you are here to help on another. Professor, tell him of the situation. He is trying to help.


Yes, well. Please go on then Professor.

Professor Sword:

Well, after an hour Recovery 8 left Earth's atmosphere it encountered something that we cannot identify. It wasn't space debris as the instruments didn't pick it up.


What did the astronaut of Recovery 8 say he encountered?

Professor Sword:

He only described it as a thing. He said that it caught his spaceship and trapped him, in what he described like a bubble. From video evidence it then seemed that the controls exploded and he was electrocuted. The video and radio link then went dead.


Where is Recovery 8 now?

The Professor shows the image of the craft re-entering Earth's orbit, shown in front of Sword's desk so they can all see clearly.

Professor Sword:

The craft is now making for Earth again our satellites make out.


And there has been no radio contact since.

Professor Sword:

None whatsoever.


Then that leaves only one thing left. When it lands, it will have to be picked up and brought back here like Recovery 7 was.


Yes, well last time that happened there were no members of the crew left. Perhaps your astronaut has also gone.


Yes, thank you Miss Smith for your reassurance.


Where is the craft making out for, Professor?

Professor Sword:

About fifty miles away from the Centre.


Right then, my men will collect it as soon as it lands. Benton, will you see to that?


Right away sir.

Benton leaves.


And you still have yet to make contact with the craft?

Professor Sword:

None at all.


Well we have no idea what to expect when we get a chance to get inside. For all we know your astronaut is still alive.

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