PART 2 - Scene 1 - Your new job

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#(Opening titles)

In the corridor, the Doctor and his companions discuss the situation.


Poor old chap. He really has been through a lot.


Yes. Well, we've done all we can to help him.


Doctor, you know how he was saying about some energy that got control of his ship?




Well, do you think it was the same type of virus back on Cutex that we saw?


Oh, I doubt it. To come all this way from one side of the universe to another, I really doubt it. I really have got that thought of yours paranoid in you, haven't I, Miss Smith. Conway is perfectly safe here on Earth.

In the bed, Conway begins to comfort himself. He still tries to rest rather than actual sleeping. Suddenly, he gets a headache. A bad one. He seems to be fighting against it, beginning to fidget, toss and turn, breathe heavily, cry out, as though something was happening dangerously wrong with his mind. Then, he rises with a huge gust of air he inhales. His eyes widen - they have turned green! The same roaring of the monster from Cutex is in his eyes. Conway has been possessed by the Nano-Cloud Virus. Now it is out to hunt the Orb of Cutex, and will stop at nothing!

Hours later, Conway is still "sleeping" in a bed again. He is no longer under the control, or is he? Is the Nano-Cloud Virus still possessing him, but is controlling his personality. Professor Sword has arrived into his room, quietly entering in trying not to wake him.

Professor Sword:

Dan? Are you awake?

Conway is beginning to wake himself up, delighted to see his colleague.



Professor Sword:

How are you feeling?



Professor Sword:

Good. Well I haven't come to send you flowers. But I'm glad you're starting to get better.


Don't worry, I'll be back in Mars Probe 8 soon.

Professor Sword:

Yes, about that.


Is there something wrong?

Professor Sword:

Well... I have to break it to you Dan, but... As a result of this incident, but they don't need you here anymore.


What? You're telling me that I have been made redundant?

Professor Sword:

Well... Yes. It wasn't my decision. The doctors think that you are unfit to continue.


Oh... Is that it then?

Professor Sword:

I'm sorry. But I'd love to have you back on the business.


Well... What am I going to do now? I love my job.

Professor Sword:

I know. But we do have a new job going for you.


Well, my life isn't going to get any worse, is it?

Professor Sword:

I'm sorry, Dan. It is a transporter company, Blephasol Transporters.


A transporter company! Really?

Professor Sword:

Well, it's been nice talking to you Daniel. And once again, I'm sorry to inform you about this. Now, I need to get back on duty. Hope you get better.

Conway seems to turn sour.


Yeah. Hope so.

He then turns over facing away from the door to lay on his bed miserably.

Great. No family. No job. No company. What else have I got to live for at this point?

He shuts his eyes for a few more seconds. Then, his eyes open again – and turns green. The Nano-Cloud Virus is still controlling him.

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