Scene 5 - A Final Duel

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The Brigadier and Sarah have watched the entire destruction of the craft from overhead. They turn back around and head to pick them up.


Well, they made it.


Yep. They made it. Now all we have to do with the Nano-Cloud Virus finally destroyed is return the Orb back to Cutex. Nothing easier.

The Doctor and Benton gently land back on the ground from earlier, some way back. Once landing down, they take a huge sigh of relief.


Well done, Sergeant Benton!


You did it, Doctor. You should be the one taking all the gratification.


Well, I thought I would need an extra spare pair of hands.


Now we just wait for the helicopter to come pick us up and head back to UNIT.

The Doctor takes out the Orb once again.


Yes. And return the Orb back to where it really belongs.


Quite right Doctor!

Taking the Doctor and Benton by surprise, Conway emerges from the dust and sand. His voice still low and angry, and his eyes still burning with energy – as he generates some from his own hands like firebolts.

You will return the Orb to rather who it really belongs to. I! With the aid of your TARDIS we shall travel among the stars and wreak havoc and chaos across this universe.


Oh no! And we thought we got rid of you!


Nothing can stop me. I am indestructible! Hand me over the Orb, or this toy soldier dies. Unfortunately, I need you alive to fly your ship. So, hand it over or he dies!

The Doctor holds up the Orb, and stares at the possessed Conway angrily.


Then, if I drop this then you will never get the Orb. It will at least complete my mission for the Time Lords, stopping you from getting this.


Then kill us.

The Doctor snatches the Orb back into his pocket. The Virus blows energy, growing itself and zooming around the Doctor and Benton, making themselves powerless and beginning to drain and burn their minds. Conway emerges.


At least, if I can't have it. Then at least I shall have your mind to absorb.

BANG! BANG BANG! The UNIT helicopter zooms over, as the Brigadier accurately fires at the Virus and Conway, distracting it. Benton instantly pulls out a gun, shooting through Conway's head. The energy zooms out of Conway, flying into the air directly after the helicopter. The body drops dead.


Are you alright, Doctor?


Yes. Thank you.


Well, at least we killed Conway.


You forget Benton, we are not fighting a man – we are fighting a dangerous organism.

Sarah calls the radio again.


Doctor! Benton!


Hello, Miss Smith. You are being chased by the Virus.


We know that!


We can't shake it off!

The Virus still chases, gaining closer and closer!


Sergeant, we need to distract that thing. We fire at the Virus. It will chase us, then the helicopter comes along and shoots it down.


If missiles work on it.


We'll just have to risk that. Did you get that, Brigadier?


Yes. It's risky. But we'll take a chance.

The UNIT Helicopter zooms back around, heading back towards the Doctor and Benton on the ground. As it closes in, Benton fires into the air.


Hay! Over here!

The Viral Cloud faces the Doctor and Benton. The Brigadier's helicopter zooms back around, charging back towards it. The Virus speeds towards the Doctor and Benton. The Helicopter fires a missile. KABOOM! The Nano–Cloud Virus was totally wiped out.


Well done, Brigadier.


Thank you, Doctor.


We've finally stopped it, haven't we Doctor?


Yes. We've stopped it.

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