Scene 3 - Return to UNIT

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Inside the TARDIS, both the Doctor and Sarah catch their breath and cool themselves down from the sudden, horrific experience they both survived. The Doctor stands busy at the controls of the ship, whilst Sarah stands nearby still in shock.


Thank you, Doctor.


My pleasure. Did it hurt you much?


No. But can you kindly explain to me what on earth that thing was?


Yes I can. In fact, it seems we got there just in time before it. It seems to be some sort of intelligence, some energy formless thing that is dangerously hostile. The Time Lords warned me about it when they gave me the distress call.


You were expecting it then, Doctor?


In some ways, yes. Although I thought it would arrive much later. The Time Lords said that there was some form of virus that could grow and possess other beings if wanted.


Like the plants then.


Yes, exactly. More to the point, this intelligent viral organism is obviously out for what we are – the Orb.


And the Orb maintains the balance to all life on Cutex.


Well, the planet doesn't rely on the Orb, Sarah. It obviously plays a vital role in it. I imagine that plant life had a role to play in that. Generating the ingredients inside the Orb. It may have obviously taken millions of years to produce.


As a theory Doctor, what if this virus cloud thing was created by the plants on the planet Cutex, and so was the virus which could be what the planet also created.


No Sarah. Interesting theory, but nothing has identified what it is, or where it originated from. If that got hold of the Orb then it would do terrible damage across space.


Not anymore. We've got it now.


Yes. Although, I think it read the TARDIS.


How can something read the TARDIS?


It may do, somehow. But now it knows what it is looking for, it will track us down.

The Doctor then pulls out the Orb and holds it in both hands.

Or it homes in on this scent.


It can follow us.


Perhaps Sarah, but I doubt it.

The TARDIS' time column halts as the ship lands back at UNIT HQ.

And now we keep it somewhere safe.

The TARDIS doors open once again and both exit, returning back to the laboratory. The Brigadier enters to welcome back the Doctor and Sarah.


Ah, welcome back Doctor. Good lord!

The Doctor is carrying the Orb in his hands and takes it over to the table as all three stare at it for a bit.


Another assignment for the Time Lords, Brigadier.


What is it?


A powerful orb from the planet Cutex that I have sworn to protect for now.


From some energy virus thing. And we only got away from it just in time.


I can see why.


Now, excuse me old chap. I must report back to Gallifrey about the collection of the Orb.

The Doctor returns back to the TARDIS.


Alright Miss Smith, would you mind telling me what this is all about.


The Doctor is being rather mysterious about it. He has only told me he is protecting it from some powerful energy source. And now he thinks that it might be tracking us down now.


What? From the other side of the universe? I doubt it.

The Brigadier smiles at what he thinks is a good joke. He leaves.

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